080422 Kuan Yin Vigil Day#8

Mercy Must Become a Perpetual Vigil within Our Heart

On the eighth day of our vigil, beloved Kuan Yin brings us a new understanding of how to fulfill our bodhisattva vow.

“Mercy must become a perpetual vigil within your heart for the fulfillment of your vow as a bodhisattva of mercy. This vigil is sustained as you look upon all life through the lens of forgiveness and as you apply the law of compassion through each of your chakras one with God. Mercy sings within the spinning of the lotuses of light, the wheels of mercy within your chakras as you emanate the purity of love through each one. And the Hum and the Om that is sustained within each chakra as the symphony of mercy within you is sustained, recreates your world and the world all about you.”
Kuan Yin she sees us as “suns of mercy” and as we “sustain the burning of this flame of mercy within us, there is the distribution to many lifestreams of our gift of mercy to all. For the Lord requires many bodhisattvas and Buddhas to continue in the science of sacred emanation for a world to be sustained and to fulfill its purpose.”

A Discourse on El Morya and the New Blue Frequencies

As the earth, the sun and the entire solar system move closer toward 2012, we know that at the end of this cycle, there is the alignment of our sun with the galactic core. And in the alchemy of this alignment, we have access to, through that galactic core, the New Blue frequencies of Alpha and Omega, of the God-star Sirius and of the new wave and frequency of light that El Morya represents to the earth. El Morya is not only the Chohan of the first ray and our father Abraham, but he is as a type of blueprint, as the God-man for the earth who holds the keys for us to rise into these new frequencies and be for the earth anchor points of great love, wisdom and power through these higher frequencies.

These New Blue energies of Alpha and Omega as stepped down through Elohim, the Solar Lords, the chohans and other ascended masters are available to us to discern our true nature as a God-being. So as we study and apply that which we have learned of our Presence, we can then move into this new field of awareness of New Blue energy of the spirit.

This morning we had the braiding of the blue and violet rays with a discourse on El Morya and the New Blue frequencies, and a message from beloved Kuan Yin.