080405 El Morya on Sacred Journeys
The Entire Planet is Raised Through the Alchemy of Our Sacred Journeys
Beloved El Morya discoursed this morning on the many personal and planetary benefits of “sacred journeys as spiritual pilgrimages to various nations and/or holy sites around the world….The purpose of coming together in a one-pointed direction and focus to accomplish specific spiritual work by intention is for the transformation of a planet and her people.”
Although pilgrimages have occurred in previous ascended master movements, they have been accelerated through The Hearts Center “for the very purpose of many of you coming to the full God Self-realization of your divinity by the grace of the ascended sponsoring masters who are accelerating each and every one of you as you are able to receive these glorious rays of the New Blue and of the secret rays within your aura, chakras and world.”
Morya commented on why it is possible to balance great personal karma on these pilgrimages, saying that the cycle between the ages (i.e., between Pisces and Aquarius) is a time for “an acceleration and an opportunity” through the conscious participation of each devotee. The key is “entering the center point of light of your Divine Presence…whereby all is dissolved into the one-pointed light of your Source. And from this sacred center of beingness there is an accelerated action of the violet light coupled with the frequencies of the ascension fire to dissolve on contact these patterns, blocks, records and even the very substance of darkness that has beset you…”
Click here to access and listen to El Morya’s entire message and to participate in the morning prayer and rosary service.