080417 Kuan Yin
Become a Co-Creator of the New Mercy
Our beloved Kuan Yin spoke to us this morning of the acceleration of mercy that she would see in us—“a field of mercy in [our] aura[s]”, an intense quality of mercy. She described it as our becoming “a fire enfolding itself as the effulgence of transmutation.” And she called us “co-creator[s] of the new mercy for the earth.”
This new mercy is the realization of divinity within all of life without exception, without exclusion. And as we are the new mercy, we are able to magnetize this flame of mercy for all sentient life.
Our care in choosing our words and refraining from meaningless talk is a facet of mercy that affirms the oneness of all life in God. For ill-chosen and needless words would divide us. Another facet is our ability to be in perfect presence which allows us to “[sing] the new song of peace. She wants us to be “translators of mercy to a world…initiators of the new mercy teaching.”
As we work on our own transformation through mercy, we are to “seed the earth with [our] presence of mercy.” May we “sing the new song of mercy and be that word of comfort and joy” forever.
Rosary Instructions for Today:
Allow Mercy to Be Ever-Present with You!
We were asked to “look at life during this ten-day vigil with new eyes of mercy” allowing “mercy to flow through [our] heart…speech…thought processes” and every chakra. By the power of the secret rays we are to see mercy flowing “in an unmitigated stream wherever [we] touch [our] hands…place [our] feet.”
This morning’s rosary of mercy was dedicated to the people of Tibet and Taiwan, to the unborn, the economy and the healing of heartfriends everywhere.