080416 Kuan Yin’s Ten-day Vigil of Divine Mercy
Be Mindful of Mercy—Let It’s Expression Be as a Violet Rose Open
Whose Aroma All May Smell, Whose Fragrance Heals, Soothes and Brings Life into Picture-Perfect Presence
Beloved Kuan Yin comes this morning bearing the vibration and gift of mercy’s grace, peace and joy and extending a dispensation for each one participating in her ten-day ritual to mercy and forgiveness. She offers each one “a greater field of acceptance of [their] own worthiness to be the instrument of mercy, compassion and forgiveness to all.” Our auras are then cleansed by her angels, “unburdening [us] of certain burdens that [we] have borne for lifetimes.” This gift is for the dissolving of the old ways, that we “may walk fully as merciful ones, as bodhisattvas of the spirit knowing the new law of love as mercy, applying the Golden Rule within [our] life on behalf of all.”
Father Forgive Them for They Know Not What They Do
Kuan Yin reminds us of Jesus’ words expressed in “his hour of anguish” on the cross, that are a magnificent example of compassion and mercy and forgiveness; and she suggests they become our personal mantra “whenever [we] observe something that seems out of place, unjust or not according to the principles that [we] follow in [our] life.” Kuan Yin asks, “If the Lord could do this, can you not forgive those who trespass against you, who in any way seem to ignite or incite the fire of reaction within you.”
As we make gains in self-mastery, “there is already a field of forgiveness established within [our] aura by joy, by acceptance, by understanding.” So that we “no longer see that which appears to be coming [our] way as darkness as such, but simply as opportunity once more to express forgiveness, mercy and grace,” allowing “the beingness within [us] to transform that which washes upon [our] aura and consciousness in mercy light, in compassion’s joy.”
Click here to access and listen Kuan Yin’s entire message and to participate in Day Two of this ten-day prayer vigil.