080418 Kuan Yin

The Gift of Discernment of Spirits

Beloved Kuan Yin gives us a teaching today on the Holy Spirit gift of discernment. How do we acquire this gift? She says it come to us “through attention on the divine, the divine within the one to whom the mercy is extended, the divine within [ourselves] for the release and distribution of mercy.” Our focus is not on fault-finding but our oneness with all, including that stream of mercy that we are.

She tells us that the ascended masters work tirelessly to shake us out of states of comfortability with the path because this poses a danger to our progress. They come to “challenge [our] outer mind which has become accustomed to a certain way of thinking, of processing information, of understanding [our] life.” The situations, the seeming tragedies that often come to us are for this very purpose—to shake us and shock us into realizing that we have somehow lost the vital connection with our true being. And only by total surrender to God during these times of great stress, will we grow and gain the spiritual muscle, reaching new depths of mercy and forgiveness that will take us to our victory.

Beloved Kuan Yin assists us by clearing away “ancient patterns of non-forgiveness, of a certain lack of grace and of the unmerciful heart.” She asks as we give our ritual that we live in the heart of “the Merciful One who comes through anyone as a messenger of light” in order to test us and give us opportunity to be her overflowing mercy in our every thought, word and action.