080407 El Morya
What is Heartstreaming?
This morning we received a lovely teaching from the heart of El Morya on the definition of heartstreaming:
eartstreaming is the emanation of divine love from and through one’s heart center. It is the science of connecting with one’s Higher Self by attuning to the frequencies of the Spirit through deep meditation and prayer and allowing the flow of God’s energy through us to bring joy, love, and peace to the world.
While heartstreaming one feels an increase in the vitality of light and life within as an inner joy. By attending to one’s heart connection with the eternal One, a constant stream of contact may be maintained and a higher understanding of one’s purpose and mission in life found.
Heartstreaming occurs when one pours devotion, praise and thanksgiving to God through prayer, mantra, chant and song
When one is heartstreaming with others in a group, there is a multiplication factor of the divine energy that flows through the group by the square of the number of those present.
Heartstreaming with ascended masters occurs when God is called upon in their name as divine intermediaries—the saints and sages of East and West. Every Christ and every Buddha is available to assist us in the mastering of the science and art of heartstreaming.
Beloved El Morya concluded his message with these words of love, “I am the Master M and my heartstream is available to you this day and every day, this moment and every moment, for your victory.”
Click here to access El Morya’s entire message and to participate in the morning prayer and rosary service.