Jesus was truly in stride as he walked and talked with us this morning in the full mantle of a World Teacher and a most personal Savior. To begin the Family Service he had the messenger read from the ninth chapter of Matthew about the healing of the blind men and the laborers who were few. His answers to the darshan questions and the HeartStream that followed were beautifully designed to help us heal our own blind spots and vulnerabilities on the path—and to remind us that we must "labor" to harvest our goal to win our own freedom and thereby to "raise the entire planet and her people."
He explained the various ways the masters work with us as we move through the levels of the etheric plane on the journey that takes us from chela to ascended master. Through every level and every trial we move "higher by harmony," by love and joy on the path, by sacrifice and surrender and by sufficiency in and complete focus on our God-presence.
Referring to the "undercurrent of darkness in the earth that would boil up from the astral seas to engulf our best servants," he repeatedly spoke his "Peace, be still" and "They shall not pass." He is determined that we will not allow the stripping away of the mantles of light that we have garnered from our great God-beingness. Stating that it is fear that makes us susceptible to the energies of the astral seas, he sealed that plane by the fire of his spirit and said, "I lend you my momentum of God self-mastery if you would have it.... In mercy I have come. In forgiveness I live. I am Alpha and Omega in the earth. Peace, peace, peace."
Access the morning service with the Darshan and this landmark HeartStream.
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