As the Alchemist for the Seventh Age, Saint Germain came to the home of a heartfriend in the Twin Cities where a very fiery world freedom service was just concluding. Magnificent, passionate and masterful in his address, he brought the sealing of those cities within the Heartland of America "with an action of the violet transmuting fire that has, in effect, borne great boons for many souls to know another day of soul freedom." He reminded us of the miraculous science of alchemy that we are performing as we "visualize the light streaming forth" and "see specific actions together."
He expressed his gratitude for all who "lovingly participate" in these services. "And specifically in those areas where these services are held, there is a greater blessing upon the souls within that circumference....And that is why I have called for these services to be given in the Heartland." He reminded all of vows to him taken before we took embodiment and of how we have all sacrificed "so that many can live in freedom still within this land."
The Ascended Hosts depend on our services and are weaving a new frequency, a new aura of light within the cities, countrysides and nations that will bring the vision and plan of the Great Divine Director into manifestation. "You are a point of light upon the sacred grid of his very beingness in the earth, blessed ones. Did you know that?...I engulf you in my love...and I say, remember who you are...and proclaim who you are as God-beings and know from this night forward the reality of freedom, freedom, freedom. I thank you. (Watch here for the audio replay of this entire HeartStream).