080427 Saint Germain Speaks in the Twin Cities

Continue the Sacred Tryst and Bonding with the Purple Fiery Heart

As the Alchemist for the Seventh Age, Saint Germain came to the home of a heartfriend in the Twin Cities where a very fiery world freedom service was just concluding. Magnificent, passionate and masterful in his address, he brought the sealing of those cities within the Heartland of America "with an action of the violet transmuting fire that has, in effect, borne great boons for many souls to know another day of soul freedom." He reminded us of the miraculous science of alchemy that we are performing as we "visualize the light streaming forth" and "see specific actions together."
He expressed his gratitude for all who "lovingly participate" in these services. "And specifically in those areas where these services are held, there is a greater blessing upon the souls within that circumference....And that is why I have called for these services to be given in the Heartland." He reminded all of vows to him taken before we took embodiment and of how we have all sacrificed "so that many can live in freedom still within this land."

Witness Cosmic Changes upon this Planet from Pisces to Aquarius and Beyond

The Ascended Hosts depend on our services and are weaving a new frequency, a new aura of light within the cities, countrysides and nations that will bring the vision and plan of the Great Divine Director into manifestation. "You are a point of light upon the sacred grid of his very beingness in the earth, blessed ones. Did you know that?...I engulf you in my love...and I say, remember who you are...and proclaim who you are as God-beings and know from this night forward the reality of freedom, freedom, freedom. I thank you. (Watch here for the audio replay of this entire HeartStream).

080426 Sanat Kumara Speaks from the Heartland

A Pure Stream of Compassion Emanates to Everyone
Dedicated to the Divine Cause of Love

"I come to support love within your heart's center and within all those who have chosen to remain true to the mission of Sanat Kumara.... Lady Venus and I increase the action of your threefold flame as you choose to continue to support that original rescue mission for earth."

"Yes, the heart of God is opposed in all quarters by the dark ones who would supplant the very living and throbbing heart of God with a mechanistic counterfeit woven by the ego...and who point-counterpoint oppose every attempt to manifest the new Shambhala within the earth...within your families, your communities and all centers where conscious living would occur."

Take Precautions to Guard the Heart and to Guard the Community

"When love is cast out through rancor and through human reasoning and judgment there is not love, there is not light and therefore I come this night to reignite within one and all the sacred fire of holy love so that you may experience once again that eternal flame and the full blazing of its manifestation within you."

"Oh holy ones, love one another as I have loved you and all shall be well. Remember the first commandment of love and the last commandment also of love. For when love is the Alpha and Omega within you then all...will emanate through the reality of who you are as a God-free being." (Watch for this entire message to be available under the sanctuary on our homepage).

080424 Kuan Yin’s Vigil of Divine Mercy, Day 10

Our Freedom to Be God Evermore

As a prelude to this morning’s message on the soul from Beloved Kuthumi, David discoursed on the importance of stillness in mind, body and in being. When we are still, we align our physical body with our True Self, and our God Presence with the sun of this system. When we enter “the one point of perfect stillness in the center of being, from that point of reality [we] no longer live on the periphery but [we] live fully within the very heart of God as [we] maintain this stillness.”

“Let us never forget what we are truly about. Even through we pray for the world, ultimately the work being done within the cells of our being is for bringing us into perfect presence, alignment and beingness.”

The Via Gloriosa—the New Way of Light

Upon Which the Soul May Strive Toward Beingness within God

Kuthumi explained that “at the core of being, [the] soul is a reflection of the divine Fatherhood of God as the feminine potential for complete radiant being” right where we are here and now. The original intent of our soul “is to merge with the stream of the oneness of the Divine Oversoul,” to know our freedom to be God evermore.

The clouding over of the soul—where some see the soul as dark and gloomy— that happens through “the choice of ego-identification…has caused the schism of being whereby many have lost God Self-identification with the allness of pure being as the Source.”

Saint Germain’s gift of the violet fire and its accelerated action through the violet laser light “can allow [us] greater connectivity first with [our] soul and then with [our] Source, by the dissolving of the age-old records of darkness, density and the calcification of ego-thought and emotion around [us].” When we have each fully accomplished our work, “then the pearl of [our] beingness within the soul may once more shine forth in glory as the soul ascends one with the heart and then one with the divine beingness of the Oversoul of the Solar Presence.”

Kuthumi concludes his message sharing with us another key in this sacred process, holding the “immaculate concept for [our] own soul as the pearl of great price [that] is essential for [us] to have God-egoic identification”—beingness within God.

Click here to access and listen to the discourse, Kuthumi’s message and the morning prayer service.

Image source: Nicholas Roerich Museum

080423 Mother Mary - Day Nine of Kuan Yin's Vigil of Divine Mercy - Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Message from Mother Mary: Guard the Heart, Hold the Immaculate Concept and Keep On Keeping On!

Mother Mary comes today beholding us as we really are. And as long as we behold our own perfection, our progress on the spiritual path is assured. She wants us to know that during this ten-day vigil, she has been working along side Kuan Yin, moving across the earth bringing mercy to souls as physical healing and, more importantly, conversion through the presence of God’s Spirit—an awakening of the soul to desire to know and love God.

Multitudes of angels fly to do the bidding of our mantras and decrees. These angels cover the earth, releasing mercy into the direst and densest conditions. Healing is brought to the maimed, love and protection to the homeless, hope to the lonely. Mother Mary wants us to know, without a doubt, that our prayers make a mighty difference. She exhorts us to keep on keeping on, for the needs are great and so few know the use and power of “invocative prayer.”

What contributes to the efficacy of intercessory prayer, bringing healing to souls and resolving conflicts among men? Mother Mary tells us it depends on our dedication, our inner balance and our purity of heart. She reminds us to pray for one another, for at times the burden on one or another involved in this spiritual work is heavy. Each of us is to “Guard the heart, guard the mind and guard [our] vision, holding that immaculate concept for self and others.”

With gratitude for our steadfastness, Raphael and Mother Mary augment Kuan Yin’s work by showering the messenger and each dedicated heartfriend with an increase of healing light “as an action of protection.” They attest that there is now “a new radiance of spiritual energy upon this earth as opportunity for souls to rise.”

080422 Kuan Yin Vigil Day#8

Mercy Must Become a Perpetual Vigil within Our Heart

On the eighth day of our vigil, beloved Kuan Yin brings us a new understanding of how to fulfill our bodhisattva vow.

“Mercy must become a perpetual vigil within your heart for the fulfillment of your vow as a bodhisattva of mercy. This vigil is sustained as you look upon all life through the lens of forgiveness and as you apply the law of compassion through each of your chakras one with God. Mercy sings within the spinning of the lotuses of light, the wheels of mercy within your chakras as you emanate the purity of love through each one. And the Hum and the Om that is sustained within each chakra as the symphony of mercy within you is sustained, recreates your world and the world all about you.”
Kuan Yin she sees us as “suns of mercy” and as we “sustain the burning of this flame of mercy within us, there is the distribution to many lifestreams of our gift of mercy to all. For the Lord requires many bodhisattvas and Buddhas to continue in the science of sacred emanation for a world to be sustained and to fulfill its purpose.”

A Discourse on El Morya and the New Blue Frequencies

As the earth, the sun and the entire solar system move closer toward 2012, we know that at the end of this cycle, there is the alignment of our sun with the galactic core. And in the alchemy of this alignment, we have access to, through that galactic core, the New Blue frequencies of Alpha and Omega, of the God-star Sirius and of the new wave and frequency of light that El Morya represents to the earth. El Morya is not only the Chohan of the first ray and our father Abraham, but he is as a type of blueprint, as the God-man for the earth who holds the keys for us to rise into these new frequencies and be for the earth anchor points of great love, wisdom and power through these higher frequencies.

These New Blue energies of Alpha and Omega as stepped down through Elohim, the Solar Lords, the chohans and other ascended masters are available to us to discern our true nature as a God-being. So as we study and apply that which we have learned of our Presence, we can then move into this new field of awareness of New Blue energy of the spirit.

This morning we had the braiding of the blue and violet rays with a discourse on El Morya and the New Blue frequencies, and a message from beloved Kuan Yin.


042008 Beloved Jesus

Lord Jesus Extends his Helping Hands to Provide a Safe Harbor in his Heart

Jesus was truly in stride as he walked and talked with us this morning in the full mantle of a World Teacher and a most personal Savior. To begin the Family Service he had the messenger read from the ninth chapter of Matthew about the healing of the blind men and the laborers who were few. His answers to the darshan questions and the HeartStream that followed were beautifully designed to help us heal our own blind spots and vulnerabilities on the path—and to remind us that we must "labor" to harvest our goal to win our own freedom and thereby to "raise the entire planet and her people."
He explained the various ways the masters work with us as we move through the levels of the etheric plane on the journey that takes us from chela to ascended master. Through every level and every trial we move "higher by harmony," by love and joy on the path, by sacrifice and surrender and by sufficiency in and complete focus on our God-presence.
Referring to the "undercurrent of darkness in the earth that would boil up from the astral seas to engulf our best servants," he repeatedly spoke his "Peace, be still" and "They shall not pass." He is determined that we will not allow the stripping away of the mantles of light that we have garnered from our great God-beingness. Stating that it is fear that makes us susceptible to the energies of the astral seas, he sealed that plane by the fire of his spirit and said, "I lend you my momentum of God self-mastery if you would have it.... In mercy I have come. In forgiveness I live. I am Alpha and Omega in the earth. Peace, peace, peace."

Access the morning service with the Darshan and this landmark HeartStream.

Image Source: roerich.org

080414 Discourse on the Rosary

Raising the Mother Light Within

This morning the masters commented on the profound action that takes place as we pray the rosary, day by day, calling it “an opportunity to once again enter into the very presence of God’s beingness.” These prayers anchor the light of the Mother flame within the Earth and within our souls. For as we honor the Mother flame in Mother Mary, (or Kuan Yin or the archeiai) we also honor that flame within ourselves. We receive “a daily bath of divine light which is the mother’s nurturing of us as we revere her love, her light.”

As we honor both our Buddha nature and the Mother Light in the giving of the Golden Buddha Rosary, there is a divine interchange, through the nexus of the heart, between the light of the Father and the crown and the Mother Light and the base charka. “… there is the adoration, as Above so below, of the Father/Mother principles even within our own being where wholeness is fully manifest, where presence is glorified, where God exists right within the chalice of our own being.” We can see these rosaries as “opportunity to go deep within our hearts and to contact the core of our being, the very essence of who we are as God-realized sons and daughters now.”

Click here to access and listen to this entire discourse and to participate in the morning rosary and prayer service.

080419 Kuan Yin Vigil Day #5

As You Love, So Love Is Given To You

As You Enter the Heart of Mercy in Mindfulness,

So Mercy May Sustain You

This morning, Avalokiteshvara, the universal manifestation of compassion, comes to us to “radiate the mercy of love”; to “plead before the Almighty for mercy on behalf of all earth’s evolutions; and, to “express the allness of Mercy to those who would be merciful to life.”

As we send out kind thoughts of and toward others, “an angel of mercy may take [each kind thought] and bestow a blessing upon that one, and that blessing is the very action of Mercy.” We are reminded to have kind thoughts of and toward our own soul and to wrap our soul “in the same emanation of joyful mindfulness in God’s Presence.” As we take time each day to “simply be within the lotus light of Mercy” and to revere the God-good within all, then our “vision and our thoughts will be compassionate and of the very kind that God has toward [us].”

In conclusion, we are given the keys to resolving all within us and to having greater God-joy and abundance:

  • Manifest heartfulness toward life.

  • Give mercy.

  • Bestow the grace of kindness.

Image source: www.thangka.ru/gallery/ge_avalokiteshvara.html

Discourse on the Science of Prayer

All of Our Prayers Should Sing Through Our Hearts

Before our prayer and rosary service this morning, we were blessed with a discourse on the Science of Prayer. All of our spoken prayers have a threefold action to them based on their rhythm, the words of the prayer and on the love we bring to their recitation. With these three components in balance, our prayers will be at their highest level of effectiveness.

  • Their rhythm creates the grid of light through which the words and emanation manifest.

  • The words of our prayers are as “the intelligence of the mind of God that manifest as the matrix of the thrust of God and the direction of the light where we send it.”

  • The love comes forth as “the Holy Spirit that we emanate as the words flow through our heart and all of our chakras” activating the rhythm and the words and the meaning of those words.

We are reminded that as we pray each day through mantra, decree and rosary, to be “about the fire enfolding itself right within us and allowing our world—part of the whole world—to be completely subsumed into the divine emanation….Let every prayer be one where we self observe, where we maintain this point of total centeredness in God. Let every word that flows through us be that Word where we are. Let the totality of our God-reality sing in great joy as we sing this new song prophetically spoken of by John the Beloved in the Book of Revelation.”

Access today’s entire dictation and prayer and rosary service.

080418 Kuan Yin

The Gift of Discernment of Spirits

Beloved Kuan Yin gives us a teaching today on the Holy Spirit gift of discernment. How do we acquire this gift? She says it come to us “through attention on the divine, the divine within the one to whom the mercy is extended, the divine within [ourselves] for the release and distribution of mercy.” Our focus is not on fault-finding but our oneness with all, including that stream of mercy that we are.

She tells us that the ascended masters work tirelessly to shake us out of states of comfortability with the path because this poses a danger to our progress. They come to “challenge [our] outer mind which has become accustomed to a certain way of thinking, of processing information, of understanding [our] life.” The situations, the seeming tragedies that often come to us are for this very purpose—to shake us and shock us into realizing that we have somehow lost the vital connection with our true being. And only by total surrender to God during these times of great stress, will we grow and gain the spiritual muscle, reaching new depths of mercy and forgiveness that will take us to our victory.

Beloved Kuan Yin assists us by clearing away “ancient patterns of non-forgiveness, of a certain lack of grace and of the unmerciful heart.” She asks as we give our ritual that we live in the heart of “the Merciful One who comes through anyone as a messenger of light” in order to test us and give us opportunity to be her overflowing mercy in our every thought, word and action.

080417 Kuan Yin

Become a Co-Creator of the New Mercy

Our beloved Kuan Yin spoke to us this morning of the acceleration of mercy that she would see in us—“a field of mercy in [our] aura[s]”, an intense quality of mercy. She described it as our becoming “a fire enfolding itself as the effulgence of transmutation.” And she called us “co-creator[s] of the new mercy for the earth.”

This new mercy is the realization of divinity within all of life without exception, without exclusion. And as we are the new mercy, we are able to magnetize this flame of mercy for all sentient life.

Our care in choosing our words and refraining from meaningless talk is a facet of mercy that affirms the oneness of all life in God. For ill-chosen and needless words would divide us. Another facet is our ability to be in perfect presence which allows us to “[sing] the new song of peace. She wants us to be “translators of mercy to a world…initiators of the new mercy teaching.”

As we work on our own transformation through mercy, we are to “seed the earth with [our] presence of mercy.” May we “sing the new song of mercy and be that word of comfort and joy” forever.

Rosary Instructions for Today:

Allow Mercy to Be Ever-Present with You!

We were asked to “look at life during this ten-day vigil with new eyes of mercy” allowing “mercy to flow through [our] heart…speech…thought processes” and every chakra. By the power of the secret rays we are to see mercy flowing “in an unmitigated stream wherever [we] touch [our] hands…place [our] feet.”

This morning’s rosary of mercy was dedicated to the people of Tibet and Taiwan, to the unborn, the economy and the healing of heartfriends everywhere.

080415 Kuan Yin

Blessed are the Merciful for They Shall Obtain Mercy

This morning we began a ten-day vigil to the heart of Kuan Yin for mercy and forgiveness using this new mantra to Kuan Yin in a special “rosary of mercy”:

Hail Kuan Yin full of mercy, the Mother Light is with thee.

Blessed art thou among Buddhas and blessed is the mercy that flows through thee.

Holy Kuan Yin, Mother sublime, pray for us bodhisattvas divine now and ever as we emanate with thee.

After the rosary, beloved Kuan Yin shared her heart of compassion and her words of wisdom, “If you would truly understand the light of mercy you must understand the equation of light and darkness. For when the light that is in thee as God’s energy is single, singly focused on the divine, then how great is that divine light. But if the light that is within thee be turned into the dualistic vision of seeing and witnessing human light and human darkness, then how dark is that light of God that you have allowed not to shine in the divine radiance, but through the lens of impure seeing.”

She continued, “When one or another view you from the human rather than from the divine it is an opportunity for mercy to flow from your heart, and when one accosts you in any way… simply smile and behold the God-reality of that one and hold firmly the beingness of the divine light within both yourself and your friend or foe in order that divine resolution and the holy flame of brotherhood and sisterhood may once more be reestablished.”

She then reminded us that “Jesus said to rejoice when men speak ill of thee,” and know that this is an opportunity for self-mastery, for mercy and for growth as we become an instrument to transmute the negative energy, “sending it back with pure love, radiant forgiveness and the flame of cosmic mercy.”

Click here to listen to Kuan Yin’s entire message and to participate in the morning rosary and prayer service.

080416 Kuan Yin’s Ten-day Vigil of Divine Mercy

Be Mindful of Mercy—Let It’s Expression Be as a Violet Rose Open

Whose Aroma All May Smell, Whose Fragrance Heals, Soothes and Brings Life into Picture-Perfect Presence

Beloved Kuan Yin comes this morning bearing the vibration and gift of mercy’s grace, peace and joy and extending a dispensation for each one participating in her ten-day ritual to mercy and forgiveness. She offers each one “a greater field of acceptance of [their] own worthiness to be the instrument of mercy, compassion and forgiveness to all.” Our auras are then cleansed by her angels, “unburdening [us] of certain burdens that [we] have borne for lifetimes.” This gift is for the dissolving of the old ways, that we “may walk fully as merciful ones, as bodhisattvas of the spirit knowing the new law of love as mercy, applying the Golden Rule within [our] life on behalf of all.”

Father Forgive Them for They Know Not What They Do

Kuan Yin reminds us of Jesus’ words expressed in “his hour of anguish” on the cross, that are a magnificent example of compassion and mercy and forgiveness; and she suggests they become our personal mantra “whenever [we] observe something that seems out of place, unjust or not according to the principles that [we] follow in [our] life.” Kuan Yin asks, “If the Lord could do this, can you not forgive those who trespass against you, who in any way seem to ignite or incite the fire of reaction within you.”

As we make gains in self-mastery, “there is already a field of forgiveness established within [our] aura by joy, by acceptance, by understanding.” So that we “no longer see that which appears to be coming [our] way as darkness as such, but simply as opportunity once more to express forgiveness, mercy and grace,” allowing “the beingness within [us] to transform that which washes upon [our] aura and consciousness in mercy light, in compassion’s joy.”

Click here to access and listen Kuan Yin’s entire message and to participate in Day Two of this ten-day prayer vigil.

080413 On the Way Home with El Morya

Light on the Path

  • Embrace the totality of Jesus’ radiant stream of Solar Beingness.

  • See his demonstration of the mediator of the Christ light emanating between one’s soul and one’s God Presence—interceding, healing, transforming.

  • Move into that very Sun Presence of who he is which you also may fully become.

  • Enter into this solar joy each day during holy prayer and meditation.

  • Take time to be still and know the I Am light within.

  • The Presence of God is always there for you to know, to love and to grow into.

Click here to access this entire message from El Morya which encourages us to allow the universality of the Spirit to speak in whatever form it may and to remember that the holy work of the Lord cannot be limited by our own human understanding. You will also find the replay of today’s Sunday Family Service which includes a wonderful presentation by a heartfriend on the profound significance of forgiveness on our spiritual path.

Image Source:astro.uni.uroc.pl

080412 Lord Maitreya

By Love You Will Win and Only by Love Will Your Vow Be Fulfilled

And Your Mission Be Accomplished

Beloved Maitreya spoke of the vow that many souls, including many of us, made eons ago in support of the mission of Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus to secure “Earth and her evolutions fully in the light.” Maitreya said that now “is a time of conclusion, opportunity and for fulfillment for many lifewaves” of their original purpose, sacrifice and vow in coming to Earth. “Sanat Kumara comes with Gautama [Buddha] to once again impress upon your soul the original intent as cosmic purpose for the mission that we together have sustained on behalf of the earth.”

Through this dispensation of The Hearts Center Movement a portal has been opened to the divine world. “And those of you who would come to terms with yourself entering into the final spirals of beingness to fulfill your vow and purpose, would do well to understand the complexity of the equation within yourself of light and darkness. And to once and for all fully embrace the totality of the God-flame within, in order that as you enter the final spiral, you would see clearly, you would know fully and that all would be resolved within you.”

We are reminded that to lessen “the pain of separation from the divine” we could “go within to understand the nurturing aspect of that Mother Light—even within the soul and the spark divine that still abides within as that portal to oneness, that opportunity for grace, mercy and joy.”

Click here to listen to Maitreya’s entire message and to participate in the morning’s prayer and rosary service.

080409 The Education of the Heart Vibration Education Newsflash

The Education of the Heart: Meru Learning Center

Changing a World through Vibration Education

The Blueprint

The introduction to Meru Learning Center’s four revolutionary Vibration Education manuals begins, “Children are born with a mission, a blueprint for life that is locked in their DNA and in their souls.” In a loving and awakened environment the inner senses, the spirituality of the child, blossoms. To effect and accelerate this process in every soul, beginning in utero and extending through a lifetime, is the purpose of vibration education.

“Before a previously embodied soul once again enters the form of the tiny baby, it has reviewed its life plan with cosmic masters,” the introduction explains. Our souls are given a preview of the families we will be born into, the situations we will face—all opportunities for growth, opportunities to complete cycles and set records straight. Unlocking this awareness is the most important job of parents and teachers as they work …and play…with children.

“…[T]he purpose of true education is intended to connect the child (the soul) with his inner teacher, ([Solar] Presence or the Christ/Buddha Self) and to those memories held deep in the soul…” What an exciting journey for child and parent awaits as they together pursue the way of the education of the heart through vibration education!

Click here for more information on all four manuals.

080408 Mother’s Birthday

Happy Birthday, Beloved Mother

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.”

And that is essentially what heartfriends did this morning after singing happy birthday to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, affectionately referred to as Mother. Forty-two testimonials had been received from all across the U.S., Canada and even South America—loving witnesses attesting to the great and enduring influence Mother has had on their lives. Mother’s selflessness, beauty and grace could be experienced again as the words of thirty-three of these testimonials were read. Many spoke of her love and guidance to them personally, calling her “the great lover of our soul.” The remaining testimonials will possibly be read tomorrow morning.

This morning’s session was a great outpouring of love and appreciation for our beloved Mother and the light she yet bears for the planet and its people.

Click here to listen to the replay of this session.

080407 El Morya

What is Heartstreaming?

This morning we received a lovely teaching from the heart of El Morya on the definition of heartstreaming:

  • Heartstreaming is the emanation of divine love from and through one’s heart center. It is the science of connecting with one’s Higher Self by attuning to the frequencies of the Spirit through deep meditation and prayer and allowing the flow of God’s energy through us to bring joy, love, and peace to the world.

  • While heartstreaming one feels an increase in the vitality of light and life within as an inner joy. By attending to one’s heart connection with the eternal One, a constant stream of contact may be maintained and a higher understanding of one’s purpose and mission in life found.

  • Heartstreaming occurs when one pours devotion, praise and thanksgiving to God through prayer, mantra, chant and song

  • When one is heartstreaming with others in a group, there is a multiplication factor of the divine energy that flows through the group by the square of the number of those present.

  • Heartstreaming with ascended masters occurs when God is called upon in their name as divine intermediaries—the saints and sages of East and West. Every Christ and every Buddha is available to assist us in the mastering of the science and art of heartstreaming.

Beloved El Morya concluded his message with these words of love, “I am the Master M and my heartstream is available to you this day and every day, this moment and every moment, for your victory.”

Click here to access El Morya’s entire message and to participate in the morning prayer and rosary service.


080406 El Morya

Be a Conscious Talisman for Divine Radiance to Manifest on Earth

After a simple and devotional session of prayers and the giving of the Children's Golden Buddha Rosary, El Morya came this morning to enfire us with "greater God-Desire to be the One...."

  • The purpose of holy prayer is to draw down the divine stream of light from the very presence of God through our own being whereby we are electrodes of that light for the many—divine mediators betwixt heaven and earth.

  • Take the cue from Mother Mary who was required to hold a focused vision on behalf of Jesus for many, many years in order to sustain his mission. It will take a great resolve of one-pointedness to deal with all of our issues and challenges and accept the full enfiring of our own alchemy of Selfhood and Presence.

  • Each of us can choose how much of the energy from our Source we will manifest and sustain through action, movement and work, putting aside distractions and fully embracing together that which we are called to do.

  • In the perfect geometry of his mind's eye, El Morya is holding us as God-realized Ones, as holy building blocks of light within the community of the Universal Great White Brotherhood. As we hold this vision for ourselves we will tap into the great God-power that he has become and "would bestow by God's grace."

In the radiant presence of Rose of Light a beautiful children's story was HeartStreamed through the messenger this morning during the family service.

Click here to access this service and to listen to El Morya's entire message.

080405 El Morya on Sacred Journeys

The Entire Planet is Raised Through the Alchemy of Our Sacred Journeys

Beloved El Morya discoursed this morning on the many personal and planetary benefits of “sacred journeys as spiritual pilgrimages to various nations and/or holy sites around the world….The purpose of coming together in a one-pointed direction and focus to accomplish specific spiritual work by intention is for the transformation of a planet and her people.”

Although pilgrimages have occurred in previous ascended master movements, they have been accelerated through The Hearts Center “for the very purpose of many of you coming to the full God Self-realization of your divinity by the grace of the ascended sponsoring masters who are accelerating each and every one of you as you are able to receive these glorious rays of the New Blue and of the secret rays within your aura, chakras and world.”

Morya commented on why it is possible to balance great personal karma on these pilgrimages, saying that the cycle between the ages (i.e., between Pisces and Aquarius) is a time for “an acceleration and an opportunity” through the conscious participation of each devotee. The key is “entering the center point of light of your Divine Presence…whereby all is dissolved into the one-pointed light of your Source. And from this sacred center of beingness there is an accelerated action of the violet light coupled with the frequencies of the ascension fire to dissolve on contact these patterns, blocks, records and even the very substance of darkness that has beset you…”

Click here to access and listen to El Morya’s entire message and to participate in the morning prayer and rosary service.

080331 El Morya

Karma is the Joy of Justice

Our beloved El Morya comes this morning to both ask and answer the question, “What is karma?” In a succinct Heartstream, he delves into many aspects of this subject calling karma, “the science of the universe that maintains balance, based on free will, which offers choices and options for all life… It is Providence’s opportunity for self transcendence as a type of impersonal life coach that delivers exactly what is needed each moment, like a spiritual minimum daily requirement or boost of energy.”

As a soul moves into perfect presence “where cause and effect merge into beingness—wholeness at the highest level,” duality merges into unity. Morya continues, “The wheel of karma turns unerringly because it revolves around the point of reality that is God. Enter that point and karma dissolves. Live on the periphery and you will always be subject to centrifugal forces… Karma is the joy of justice. Enter into it, fulfill it and beingness will always emerge, blessed hearts. I am your El Morya, harbinger of your destiny to live not in the dust but as a starry one.”

Click here to access and listen to El Morya’s complete message and to participate in the morning’s prayer and rosary service.

080330 El Morya

Who Is God?

Many have attempted to answer the question, “Who is God?” And perhaps none have succeeded as thoroughly as El Morya in his poetic discourse this morning:

“God is the Source, the Creator, the Originator. God is the Undifferentiated, the Unmanifest, the Unnamed, the Essence of all Suchness. As the Sun behind the Sun God is the Great Emanator. God is complete Beingness. God is Presence. God is The One.

“God is Omnipresence, Omniscience and Omnipotence.

“God is You. God is Me. God is Us. God is We.

“God is the fun way, the simple path, the silly within the Sublime, the sublime within the Divine.

“God is the preciousness of each person, the core and the reality of each one’s being. God is the revered and that which is adorable within the reverence expressed, the believable, the lovable, the livable within each one. God is the completeness of all aspects of Selfhood, the jewel in the diamond within the lotus, the full flowering of all qualities and virtues of Life.”

Through these and all the answers El Morya gives us, we marvel at his compassionate heart and incredibly astute, Mercurian mind. And we are enfolded in his love as he asks us, “Would you be God this day? Would you be a new creature, an expression of the Allness of that One? As you express the Word let God be within you. I am El Morya. This is my message. I Am Real and God is where I Am.”