070324 St. Germain-

Cosmic Alchemy

Saint Germain came today with a wonderful dictation on cosmic alchemy that included an abundance of keys for progress on the spiritual path.

He said "blessed ones, progress is only made when you attune to the very heart of your source and strive with a great God desire to fulfill your reason for being,"

One way he said is that "studying the true teachings of the Ascended Masters is key for making swift progress, for when you have within your sphere the keys of understanding then you may make right choices. Thus serious students daily study the Word, discuss that word with their Heartfriends, seeing how it may be employed within their lives, discussing the tests that have come unto others who have gone before you, and how they overcame those tests using the sacred science of alchemy to clear the way for the soul to rise at every level. ….."Progress for each one is different, and none should judge another for where they are along the pathway of life. For what seemingly may be for one a simple test to pass, may be one that another has had difficulty with for lifetimes and yet could be the one very key for them, to fulfill the final mandate of their own God Presence for complete and total illumination, God awareness and liberation."

Saint Germain also said "one or another of you has asked if there is a true fountain of youth and if so how can you obtain it. Eternal youthfulness comes through the joyous heart listening to the voice of God within. ………A youthful heart is a soft heart, pliant yet strong. The heart that beats in resonance with Godly virtues, remains always in joy young". Continuing to speak on eternal youth he said "the violet light is key for the transmutation of ancient patterns which have beset your soul, crystallizing you in certain forms, structures and matrices that also are a burden to you aging you in the process. If you understand the science of health, you will see how when crystals build, within your bloodstream, not the crystalline pure energies of the spirit, but those that come from the waste matter that is not allowed to be flushed out by a pure stream of the water of life that you imbibe. These often accumulate within your systems, causing a graying and a densification in your systems. Thus regular fasting, the drinking of ample water, herbal teas, and a general diet of simplicity, chewing your food very well, breathing deeply, exercise, rest, sun gazing, walks in nature, are all key to maintaining a youthful body, a youthful spirit, a youthful heart.".

Saint Germain then said .that "some have asked what music should be listened to gain greater spirituality" He said, that "depending on your relationship at a particular time with your God Presence, different forms of music using different instrumentations may move you higher in consciousness, blessed ones." He spoke in detail of the virtues of many kinds of music such as classical, bhajans, opera, waltzes, marches and other types. He said that certain frequencies of music may prepare some and especially youth in their teens to receive the greater fire and spirituality that is found in higher frequencies of music of "those who use sound to glorify God".

Next, Saint Germain spoke of how to open your inner vision and the blessings and difficulties you may encounter as you move along this path. He said that "when you have prepared your consciousness to understand what it is that you will see when your inner vision is open, then God will allow that vision to supercede your current seeing. For it is one thing to be able to see beyond the veil of the human illusion …..but it is another to fully understand all the moving streams of energy ….surrounding individuals as their auras. And thus you must be careful when you desire to pierce the veil……"

Finally beloved Saint Germain said that "many seek union with the twin flame." He said "the key for reuniting with your ….twin flame is for the purity of wholeness to reside where you are to create the cosmic magnet that will draw, according to God's cycles and seasons, that one back to your heart."