07/03/09 Maha Chohan

The Maha Chohan Comes in His Garment of Light and Fire: Introducing the Order of the Keepers of the Lightning!

The Keepers of the Lightning is a sacred order of those who would keep the light of God within their own beings allowing God to use this light to transform the earth. Think of physical lightning. When it occurs, it happens in heaven and on earth. Lightning is a compressed action of light, magnified in intensity which causes atmospheric change. In the same manner, spiritual lightning is a dynamic cosmic change agent for a soul and a planet.

Spiritual lightning is fohat. And fohatic use of the sacred fire must be done in balance. When we understand what occurs when the lightning bolt action of the "Vajra!" is invoked, then we will know what it means to be a Keeper of the Lightning. Those who are Keepers of the Lightning not only understand the nature of this accelerated action of light that they wield, but they have abased the human element and garnered their higher energies. And never do they misuse God's light within them.

All who have come to earth to teach and uplift, as did the blessed Sanat Kumara, desired to assist us in not only re-igniting our God-flame but growing it and accelerating it until there would be those sons and daughters of God who could wield this spiritual lightning into every world need. And it is the passing of our tests in the use of spiritual fire which allows us to receive more fire and more fire until we become the Keepers of the Lightning.

The Maha Chohan reminds us that we are lightstreams of such great magnificence. We, each one, a lightstream, are an action of God's thunderbolt and are connected to every other lightstream, or Spirit spark, that has emanated from the heart of God. We are asked to assist the ascended masters in turning around all misuses of this great lightning power and become members of the new order. If we have been invoking light through our calls and decrees, we have already begun to be that lightning rod of cosmic light.

The teachings of Agni Yoga through the Roerichs illustrate the concentrated essence of fire that beloved El Morya, Lord Maitreya and other masters are. When we read the words of these masters, there is a change in the core of our being, in consciousness. Our assignment is to read the Agni Yoga books and all teachings delivered by Master Morya in all activities of light if we would consider ourselves candidates for the new order.

"Vajra! into the earth, water, air and fire element within all life!" commands the sponsor of the Keepers of the Lightning, the Maha Chohan. He asks us to join him in delivering this sacred energy unto all sentient life today!