07/03/29 El Morya

Together We Move as One with El Morya

Beloved El Morya came today to tell us that he is grateful that we have fulfilled his request for the forty day vigil. He came in the full empowerment that we offered him in our prayers, in our devotion and in our oneness of heart. He has asked each Hearts Center to continue this Vigil on a Permanent Basis. “ Each center can take their turn once every two weeks with a two hour vigil each evening whereby you impress upon the world scene the light of your calls to Astrea, the Great Divine Director, Saint Germain and El Morya as they continue to release the action of the sacred fire. This vigil will continue to move back the plans of the nefarious ones to the point where greater and greater light may come to bear through your calls and through the intercession of the hosts of the Lord”.

El Morya Passes the Torch “Thus you have heard the blessed Mother Mary and Saint Germain last morning, and I in this hour pass the torch to the Great Divine Director, my guru, and to my brother Saint Germain for this pilgrimage to Brazil. And, while those of you are traveling there, I will remain in these United States, specifically in Washington, D.C. and in New York. Those of you in each center will feel my tangible presence in your midst as you pray and as you walk the streets, drive, ride the subways and busses. See me overshadowing you blessed hearts for I will work my work through you as an anchor point of light. This is the dispensation granted unto me because of your due diligence in these forty days that I may extend my presence tangibly through each of you if you so choose. See yourself as worthy to be one with the fire of Morya where you are. Thus, I take your prayers and the decree 10.010 and bring it higher and to a new level of oneness whereby you will not only stand in my fire but I will inspire you with who I am in this hour, and my determination that this nation and all nations under God will not go down”.

“Blessed ones, I give you new hope this hour. And I hope that you can feel my presence and determination in this hour, and that we can win and that we were winning from the beginning”.

Stand with El Morya “Stand with me now, raise your swords of fire and once more let us give the fiat, “All for One and One for All! All for One and One for All! All for One and One for All! I Am El Morya, and at the head of the table round I stand with Knights and Ladies of the Flame in service to the Lord God”.

El Morya placed his sword over each one that had been faithful during these forty days and knighted them. This is a personal initiation for those who have maintained the vigil day by day. This knighting is an empowerment to a new level.