07/03/03 Saint Germain/God of Gold class

I Call You to Prove the Abundant Consciousness within Your Life

Dressed in a most incredible violet and purple robe with cosmic gold symbols, Saint Germain came today in the guise of Merlin to give us a lesson on the alchemical fires of the soul. He defined alchemy as the all-chemistry of the Lord and said we each have access to every creative element within the cosmic periodic table, “truly that which is offered upon the banquet table of light by angels and masters who understand the science of creation of form and formlessness. . . .”

An important key which Saint Germain has always advocated is that everyone first seeks God in all things, in not only his virtues and qualities, but especially in the “resonance of his fire within [our] heart.” We each need to establish the forcefield of cosmic love, the Presence of God right where we are, and then we “can command the elements of the universe into action into the vibrancy of perfection within the creative realm in which [we] abide.”

A second important key is the need to understand who we are, especially that which is within us “as pattern, as design, as seed ideation of the most holy one of who [we] are as a God-created being.” With this understanding we are then able to understand the “suchness of substance and how it may be employed in combinations through [our] spiritual experimentations for the victory of the alchemy of [our] life.”

To prove the abundant consciousness within our life, we need to sustain the radiance of the Presence of God moment by moment. The proof of our life is in how we live, where we live, and our surroundings as well as “in the tangible reality of what we have brought forth through study and the application of the teachings of the Holy Masters of Wisdom.”

If we still find our selves wanting for this or that, Saint Germain asks all to register for the current Meru University class “Soul Raising and Abundance,” And to apply his newly released matrix for quicker precipitation. All are invited to join him in this class “as the alchemist with the God of Gold, with Fortuna and many ascended masters whose great desire is to see [us] bring forth that abundance of the spirit and of form in the here and now.”

To register for the current Meru University class #702, “Soul Raising and Abundance” click “Book Store” on the menu to the left to access the registration form.