07/03/26 /Virgo

Self-Respect and Adulation of the Divine Light Within

Paying her respects to all creatures upon earth, Beloved Virgo, radiates the joy of springtime unto each one. As we each day attune to the song of nature’s morning light and the sun’s presence dawning each morning, clarity of consciousness may be awakened within us. With clarity of consciousness comes an inner respect for one’s own body temple—the temple of the living God through which the Spirit does flow—as well as greater reverence for all life manifesting upon the earth.

Before we can fully understand our place upon the “great spaceship Earth spinning around El Sol, the great sun of our system, self respect and the adulation of the divine light within us is required.. “When you understand the nature of your very present awareness of God’s eternal Spirit even manifest in the flesh, vibrating at every level of consciousness, then you can bring to bear in the physical plane that which is required for you to transcend the lower dimensions of being to become truly immortal once more.” Respect must manifest physically and rise through the emotional, mental and etheric planes.

Respect is outplayed through attention to detail. Our soul can more swiftly manifest mastery in all planes of being when we are fully present, conscious and operating in cooperation with Spirit as we do even the simplest things in our daily lives. Cosmic law requires aspiring adapts to master every step homeward. By attending to every detail of living on this plane, we may “carry forward this same self-mastery into higher dimensions of being as [we] transcend the cycles, ever rising until as Elohim the fine details of all created worlds planned very carefully, may then flower as a great offering to the Lord God of all Gods.”

The gnomes are great alchemists. All around us we can see in nature the manifestation of the work of the gnomes, with their great attention to details impressed upon them by their hierarchs Virgo and Pelleur. The gnomes are very inquisitive, but also have a great heart, “always seeking ways and means to solve the most knotty problems within their evolutionary existence. They adapt well to many major problems in various climates, and this adaptability as an aspect of the Holy Spirit that permeates all life and all sentient, invisible life manifest through the nature kingdom, is what many have seen as evolution.”

Our prayers are making great inroads. Beloved Virgo advises us to sing each day of the joy of oneness with life. We can create more joy by bringing harmony into all of our relationships and our service to life. Then, “truly, the kingdom of God will be a reality upon earth as you desire, as God desires through you.”

Make your lodging reservations for the July Conference now. Everyone planning on attending the July class, consider making your lodging reservations ASAP. When making reservations with the Hilton, tell them that the Hearts Center has a block of rooms reserved for the conference that is an in-house booking. Check the website for info on nearby hotels, and campsites 12 miles south of Bozeman. The conference begins on Saturday, June 30th. at 6 pm.