Led by the masters, decree 70.070, "I AM Forgiveness Seventy Times Seven" was given repeatedly during today's morning rosary service to allow for the flow of mercy into our lives and into the world. We were told to ask forgiveness of all whom we had caused harm and send forgiveness to all who had ever harmed us in this or past embodiments. We were told to forgive ourselves and to send the violet flame into every cell of our body because the flow of mercy through us to the world can assist in the mitigating of violent weather conditions and earth changes. We were to see ourselves as the Christ standing in between the factions causing perennial conflict in the Middle East allowing a figure-eight flow to bring a change of heart, a softening of heart to accelerate resolution of the ancient animosities of this region.
Later in the service beloved Kuan Yin delivered her message of mercy, telling us to imagine God's heart of forgiveness. What will it take to bring this healing forgiveness to a world? It will take one here and there who is the embodiment of forgiveness. This is what draws us so close to God's heart. Forgiveness is also forgetting, she reminds. To experience the buoyant state of letting go takes surrender and true forgiveness.
Kuan Yin lifts us up in consciousness to be with those who have experienced this level of forgiveness. She asks us to view the earth as Freedom's Star, a planet of loving forgiveness. Wherever there is anger, hatred, animosity on planet earth Kuan Yin now goes. She wants us to be bold and come with her to enter the very core of nonforgiveness around the world and radiate mercy there. Boldness is the bodhisattva principle of laying down one's life for another, and cosmic forgiveness is the result. She is grateful that we have sent her throughout the earth through the giving of the "I AM Forgiveness Seventy Times Seven" decree today.
Kuan Yin thanks us for our givingness. In the giving is the forgiving, she says, and God writes a new law of love within us. Kuan Yin is that law of love where we are.