Speaking in the full fire for which he is known and loved, John the Baptist calls many more to come to the fount of light within this movement of The Hearts Center, and to receive directly from the ascended masters the impartation of the fire, of the water and the full baptism of the spirit and the soul. John the Baptist said that he once again baptizes through the four elements, not only of fire and water, but of air and earth, bringing our four-lower bodies into alignment with Holy Purpose, Truth, and the Divine Reality in which we live, more and have our being in God.
Jesus came as a witness, as an example, as the ideal that all men could strive toward as teacher, prophet and the voice of love. Instead, John the Baptist warns us that to mankind’s detriment, a personality cult has arisen around the personage of the Master Jesus because of our self-identification with ego. “For in so doing [mankind] have lost the totality of the message of his incarnation manifesting the Christ spirit in all ways to all peoples; and, thereby they have become more self-identified with their own ego nature rather than the spirit of their own Christ-self which he came to exemplify and to highlight.” When we engage in idolizing others, in this cult of human self-identification, John the Baptist continues, "then the Christ-spirit of ourselves is debased and we know not that which is within us, which is the light of God that the Lord placed there in the beginning as that spirit spark, that three-fold light of love, wisdom and power within our heart."
Coming to dissolve any such personality cult around the messengers of The Hearts Center, John the Baptist states “for the record, for all time and space, that this movement of light of The Hearts Center is not one whereby messengers, council members or any personality is to be held in such high esteem in the personality, that there is a fractioning of the light and the inculcation within the matrix we have set forth of anything other than the circle of oneness that you seek in communion heart-to-heart.” He further reminds us that there must always be leaders, but that there are terms to the offices, whereby many will be sitting in those offices and that power will be shared among everyone.
“Truly, beloved ones, no human being is perfect in the personality, but in the individuality of the God-flame there is the perfectionment of the heart such as you have seen ennobled in Jesus and in many servants and ascended masters, who through striving and oneness with Holy Purpose have returned to perfection within God’s being.”