Not one, but two exciting announcements are delivered this day as we are blessed by the presence of both Suryaji and Hilarion during the morning rosary. In sparkling Mother Light, Suryaji comes to anchor a pillar of fire, a focal point of this light within the retreat of Mother Mary. The rod descends deep into the earth to stabilize the Wellspring property for all that is to occur upon this land. With Sarada Devi, they enshrine the borders of Wellspring and the retreat area of Mother Mary. We who give our calls and prayers toward this end are the physical founders of this new Haven of Light, Suryaji says, and we are setting the cornerstones of the great Pyramid of Light being established at inner and outer levels for many years to come! As we keep envisioning and precipitating this retreat, Suryaji and others will continue to come and bless and ensoul this property.
Across the highway, another rod of fire is being anchored. When the foundation is firm, then Suryaji and other masters and heavenly hosts will move swiftly. But we must determine to be the anchor points. This will also draw others to us who share this vision. Without certain ones being these points of precipitation, there can be no manifestation of this vision. Each of us is needed to be that voice, “anchoring through the incarnation of the Word through us the great Cosmic Word upon earth”. Whether by “mantra, decree, whispered prayer or whirling dervish”, Suryaji tells us to let our voices be heard “worshipping the one God through sound, motion, color, vibration!”
On the heels of Suryaji’s timely prophecy for the Wellspring Retreat, Beloved Hilarion comes to tell us that he will be leading a sacred journey to Europe in the fall and has called at inner levels fifty-five pilgrims to join him. He requests of each servitor, heartfriend and partner to contact Rev. Paul Haugen within seventy-two hours with your desire to be with Hilarion on this trip. Many of us, he says, have karma in Europe, made in the Mediterranean area and in the nations of Greece, Italy and Eastern and Southeastern Europe. This pilgrimage is an opportunity to balance these records, especially for those who have determined to balance as much karma in the physical while yet embodied, rather than relegate it to the future after their ascension. On these pilgrimages, through united effort and prayers, there is a synergistic multiplication and acceleration of the consuming of these ancient karmic records for each one.
Knowing of the burdens, financial and otherwise that are upon many, the current Meru University course on “Soul Raising and Abundance” has been set forth for each of us to precipitate and secure through the alchemy of the master Saint Germain that which is required for us “to accelerate such that we may balance our karma and work more closely with the masters in the process.”
Many of the records we hope to consume during this European pilgrimage were created due to centuries of strife and warfare of which we were a part. In contrast, Hilarion reminds us, even as the words of his keynote, “Onward, Christian Soldiers” express, that the armies of heaven do not seek the destruction of anything but simply the marching forth of the light for the perfectionment of the hearts of mankind.
Hilarion is grateful for each one who has stood firm in resolve to be an anchor point of light. He tells us to “build a sure army of light for the Lord!” And he wants us to know that with beloved Jesus, Hilarion continues to be about his Father’s business of spreading the Gospel, the good Word of Truth.