"On a zephyr illumined by crystal light from out the Central Sun, I wing my way to devotees who have understood the science of holy breath and the emanation, not only of fire, but of the spirit, as the orifice from which does flow God's eternal light"
Beloved Aries said we are coming to a greater understanding of the science of breathing and of sending forth the Word. She said, "Have you thought on how constant is the sacred miracle of your breathing, of your inhalation of the essences of the heaven world, through the air which is so plentiful, so bountiful all around you? "You see, blessed ones, you could not exist even for ten minutes without inhalation of this spiritual energy that God has provided for you. "The breath of the spirit is the key to immortality, for if you remain breathing you see, and aware and the breath does not end, you continue to live." She also said that the etheric beings breathe "pranic light" as "fiery air."
She then took us in consciousness to the etheric realms to see the process of how the angels, masters and even Elohim breathe. "See the light flowing through in the great exhalation and inhalation within these. She continued "Blessed hearts, do I speak of mysteries beyond the beyond? "Oh no, for you are ever so close to the attainment of the eternality of the spirit even in the now of your own beingness as a God free being."
Aries reminded us to "call to Thor and me, if you desire, as you leave your body temple at night. For you see, we know something of how to fly and if you would traverse the skies to discern more of the heaven world and of the cities of light, we would be happy to escort you here and there to see how God dotes on his sons and daughters and plays with them." She also encouraged us to go out in the fresh air and play with the children and elementals." For even for a few moments of fresh air, you will receive grand new inspirations. "I am Aries, a teacher not only of elementals of how to traverse the skies, but of mankind whose souls rise to greet the Lord in the air."
In conclusion she said, "I seal your minds with new spiritual fire, in the breath of the spirit may you live always."