After the Rosary of Faith this morning we took a few minutes to commune with the heart of El Morya, asking him to give to us each a key for our soul today.
Morya answered our requests in his dictation, coming this morning to again enfire each one with Holy Purpose. For when we are aligned with holy purpose we will know exactly what we must do, but more importantly, Morya said we will know what we must be. Whatever the reason we do not know our life's purpose, whether through a lack of drive, focus or discernment, the key to discerning it and for clarity of judgment in decision making is to go deep within the heart and "listen to the one voice within that speaks with clarity, affirming who [we] are and what [we] must do."
Once we know where we are going, we can be "true leaders" moving forward with focus, with our vision empowered by the Will of God and with a clear understanding of the specific tasks at hand that need to be accomplished. El Morya then gave a number of directives for those who would be his chelas:
- • Be a doer and not a talker • Plan and then work to fulfill those plans • Apportion your time to fulfill the greatest amount of sacred labor daily • Stick to that which must be done morning, noon and night • Wallow not in self-pity • Stand firmly upon the slate of victory • Make no proposals except those for which you are determined to fulfill in all ways
Thrust ho! and let us each one move forward this day with Morya El!