071225 The Spirit of Christmas

A Sacred Sleigh Ride with the Spirit of Christmas

The beloved Spirit of Christmas came early this Christmas morning with many gifts. We learned that the Spirit of Christmas ensouls the spirit of Saint Nicholas and also empowers his sleigh and reindeer, “sprinkling the sacred essence of Christmas’s past present and future, such that they may take flight throughout the world.”

“So, the jolly old man, Saint Nicholas comes, and little children espy to see him coming down the chimney and placing presents beneath the tree. Well, I say this day that I bring something of your Presence here. For I have amplified the very Christic light of Christmas within your own causal body and Holy Christ Self. And this day I deposit greater love fires of joy, the joy of Christmas where you are, right here, within your own heart. “

We were then taken on a sacred sleigh ride to perform the “sacred ritual of amplifying the light, the love, the fellowship and the family joy-spirit within each and every home. . .for where there is love, where there is family, there is the Christmas spirit, and each and every one of you, as one of my friends, and as a part of my holy family, may partake of this sacred ritual of alighting, of rising on your wings of light and abiding with me each Christmas Eve and Christmas morn. . .”

Click here to access the entire Christmas morning service.

071225 Mother Mary

A Christmas Story from the Heart of Mother Mary

On Christmas Eve, our beloved Mother Mary came to share a very tender story of Jesus’ early years.

She said that Jesus, even at a very young age, understood the importance of plants, of our relationship with the tiny nature spirits or elementals and how these blessed ones “in effect lay down their lives for humanity.” This was a very poignant object lesson for the young Jesus, “for even at the tender age of seven, within his soul he knew that it was his destiny to lay down his life for humanity.”

As Mother Mary taught Jesus “practical ways to live within the very presence of God,” he took to heart this teaching and worked so wonderfully with the elementals that eventually he was able to command the winds and waves, and walk on water because of his great love for them.

So she encouraged each of us to develop this divine relationship with the elementals and “to consider ways and means of once again having a greater contact with the precious nature spirits by growing gardens” and of what is necessary for us to truly nurture them so they may in turn nurture us. We must remember and apply Jesus words that “’that what you do unto the least of these your brethren you do unto me’, also applies to these precious hearts of the nature spirits.”

Click here to access the entire Christmas Eve service of songs, a fireside chat with Lanello, and Mother Mary’s story.

071224 Lanello

Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve

Acknowledging that he will come again this evening to have a “fireside chat”, Lanello came during the Morning Rosary Service to deliver a fiery message to the earth. But he first spoke of what had been accomplished in the fulfillment of the 33 day ritual of the giving of the Rosary of Faith with the reading of the Book of Psalms. “A blanket of light has been spread across the earth that the Divine Mother has used to wrap many souls within. And a greater level of peace has occurred even in the Middle East during this time.”

Speaking of those who have long ago sworn enmity with God and God’s people within all cultures Lanello proclaims, “The Lord Jesus does ride with the armies of heaven and what John saw in the [Book of] Revelation is now come upon the earth this day. And those who hold the awareness of God within them as the great I AM THAT I AM, no matter what religious persuasion, hold the key to the victory of light within their hearts. And thus there is the great pruning within the earth and the harvest of light and of darkness both within the soul and within the earth itself and her peoples this day… Therefore, oh mankind, know that the Lord is here, that the light is come, and that Jesus, the Son of God, the true and noble one sent by the Father has proclaimed his Second Coming in the earth this day both in Jerusalem and in Judea and throughout the Middle East and also within your heart.”

On this Christmas Eve, Lanello asks us to “separate the sheep from the goats” within our own consciousness and prepare our own hearts for the great descent of that Christic light within… “until the full mantle of your own Christ-presence be fully upon you…”

071224 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #31

On This Christmas Eve, I Give You My Love. I Give You My Heart of Joy.

At the conclusion of this 33 day spiral of light, Jesus affirms, “Thus I set my seal upon this delivery of these Jewels of Joy as a dispensation of light…This is indeed a part of the Word who I AM now as Christ Jesus. And those who have ears to hear, and eyes to read, minds to understand and hearts to discern will know the veracity, the impact and the benefit of both reading, assimilating and becoming the essence of Joy of this release from my heart through my son, David. Even as you have partaken of the ritual of reading the Psalms, many of which were scribed by me as David, so I have come in this hour and in the year 2007 AD to proclaim the Gospel, the Good Word and the message of peace and of hope through this release of Joy and of cosmic judgment there from to mankind.”

And so Jesus speaks directly to our hearts, each one, and impels us to be that God-reality who we are “in great joy, in new joy, in the real joy that I will continue to convey and bestow upon you, day by day, as you worship the Lord God Almighty, the I AM THAT I AM, the one God, the One Lord, and as you sing praises to his name and magnify that holy name unto all.”

Here are the last Jewels of Joy by Jesus released during this advent season, 2007:

  • Inner gladness increases the expansiveness of Joy’s glory.

  • Let today’s trends become hope-fulfilling and joy-filled.

  • Every opportunity taken for praise and thanksgiving presents Joy with a new option in her stock portfolio to bless you and increase your spiritual assets.

  • Those who give with Joy benefit by the multiplicity of her resourceful grace.

  • Joy and generosity are twin players in the drama of magnetizing divine fortune.

  • The Infinite’s Joy is blatantly beneficent and agreeably graceful.

  • Joy’s staff takes great measures in delivering love notes of divine felicity which elicit perfect-pitch presence in restful repose.

  • Your previous life lived without pure Joy is no longer relevant to today’s You.

  • Oh how heartwarming are Joy’s solicitous solos and aromatic arias.

  • Increase the frequency of Joy’s appearances through greater devotion to her sponsor and coauthor.

  • Every profession should be joy-filled and every expression fun-filled.

  • Fellowship with the virtuous ones always endears Joy’s angels to your heart.

  • Those who bring Joy to others will always enjoy her fruitful blessings.

  • My maxim: Bow to the Christ in others to experience Christly joy within.

  • Let every incoming message and every internal experience elicit Joy and Peace.

  • Everyone deserves a joyous jump-start to begin each Yuletide and New Year.

  • Joy is my purpose, principle and plan.

  • Let Joy to the World resound upon every world and within every heart.

071223 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #30

Drink from the Fountain of your own Christ and Higher Self

the Joyous Reality of God's Radiant and Abiding Love

This morning Jesus shared once again the mystery of the Christ as it relates to joy in our world. We enter the very presence of Joy by attuning through the heart to the divine living reality of oneness in Spirit. It is our birthright to attain this holy oneness with God. And "…the surreal nature of the human ego must be relinquished to the surrounding reality of God's ever-abiding Presence which outshines all of the lesser manifestations of human joy.

"When living in Presence there is nothing but joy within God's reality…," and we can enjoy living in God's virtues within. We can play and sing and dance within Joy's reality as the grace of the holy angels in their sacred work raises us within the light to a new awareness of God's presence where we are "…and the joy of perfect living within the heart of God."

"Think on the touch of the fairy godmother and how the simple impartation of light fills you with that bliss of joy. And then, of how fully present within that joy, you begin to radiate the self same cosmic blessing to life. For where Joy imparts her sacred substance, that same essence being yours to claim, may be bestowed across the earth to all lifestreams." Jesus is bringing daily messages of Joy to the world this special Christmas. Click here to listen to all of today's message. Below are the Jewels of Joy for December 23, 2007.

  • Joy's lullabies assuage the souls of even the most hard-hearted ones.

  • Preferring joy above rancor moves you into conscious living where her angels ever abide.

  • Cooperation with the devas of Joy brings nature’s secrets to your heart.

  • Finding your bliss within your sacred work surrounds you with Joy’s fragrant aura.

  • Through pleasant hearts God’s love imparts pure Joy.

  • Incline your ear to Joy, for in her story the God of Happiness sings.

  • Realize your true nature in Joy’s company and favor.

  • The resplendent ones impart every aspect and nuance of Joy’s teachings.

  • Don't get stuck on Calvary, for my Joy began Easter morn.

  • For a quick reprieve amidst the battle meditate on Joy’s jewels.

  • Open your heart each morning to ingest my new elixir of Joy.

  • All who work in prenatal care should divine the life science of Joy.

  • Following in Joy’s footsteps leads you to eternal bliss.

  • Every Christed one is a Joy Spirit.

  • The only proven way to pure Joy is though a merciful heart.

  • Your God Presence is the pristine exemplar of Joy.

  • While teaching your children, frame every sentence in Joy even as you share her exercises.

071222 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #29

God Is Joy Even As God Is Love

Jesus spoke with us again this morning on the mystery of the nature of Christ, telling us that our “divine nature is light” and that in the beginning, our original commission from the Father/Mother God was and is “to be and emanate light. . . .Each of us has a divine purpose but no matter what our calling, our vocation, our avocation, or how we minister to the evolutions of any system of worlds, something of that light must be brought to bear through our awareness of God Presence where we are.”

It is through Joy that we each have access to the heart of God. Jesus tells us that when we say “I AM God’s awareness of Joy where I AM, [then] Joy’s angels come to embrace [us] with that greater joy-spirit that may be [ours] as we partake of the divine worlds in this perfect and holy relationship with [our] Source.”

Throughout this holy season as we prepare for the coming of the Christ Child, let us nurture this Christ Spirit and awareness by maintaining peace of Presence where we are day and night. And, may today’s divine missives from the heart of Jesus assist us in fulfilling that original directive “to go forth and multiply and be light.”

  • Interest in the spiritual life magnetizes a consortium of Joy’s boons and gifts.

  • Joy’s insights give you a keen awareness of Light’s workings within your soul.

  • Intuitive mindfulness is one side benefit of processing Joy’s orders.

  • Joy is incalculably proficient in cutting to the core of every issue, for her heightened spherical vision illumines both problem and solution with lightning speed and with a powerful, laser focus.

  • Finding your own, personal source of joy should precede determining your life’s work, but once affirmed, also always flow through it.

  • Jubilation, though often fleeting, is a needed precursor to and a celebrant of lasting joy.

  • All divine revelations are transported by Joy’s angels.

  • Joy conveys her sacred processes, as her alchemical mysteries, to the willing heart and the open mind.

  • Pardon others with a joyful heart; forgive every foe with forthright respect.

  • Your joyous songs echo through the corridors of heaven and resound in the King’s chamber.

  • Refinement of character is an ever-present joy to the soul who loves God.

  • One compelling reason to befriend Joy is that she meticulously sharpens your sword and shines your armor.

Click here to access the entire Morning Rosary Service including Jesus’ discourse and today’s Jewels of Joy.

071220 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #28

The Way of the Christ Is the Way of the True and Pure Heart

“Let your joy be full daily. Let the effulgence of your light flow through your heart to all. Let your light shine for all to see and be warmed by the blessedness of God- presence where you are.”

This is the beautiful message of beloved Jesus this morning as he shared with us foundational teachings on the Nature of the Christ. Each of us has the opportunity to attain to this level of Christ Consciousness, and Jesus tells us that the perfectionment of the heart is key to this attainment. “For the heart as the central emanation of light within the being is the portal to the divine world for the soul. The Christ represents the heart purified, glorified and vibrating with synchronicity with the divine heart.”

May this experience be yours today as you receive, meditate upon and integrate these Jewels of Joy within your own heart and being.

  • Joy is precise in delivering her radiance into the deepest recesses of consciousness, but her cosmic surgery occurs through levity’s light rays.

  • Complete freedom from suffering and selfishness is won on Joy’s watch.

  • For peace to permeate the world, first perfuse your own world with joy.

  • Joy transmutes fanaticism even as truth dissolves illusion.

  • The Christ Consciousness always shares a universal culture of joy.

  • Joy is preeminent among the muses, for she is highly sought after both in heaven and upon earth.

  • The spiral, viral nature of Joy is magnificent!

  • Joy has the highest concentration of all the Spirit’s elements.

  • Alchemy is the science of joy applied in its most stimulating but sublime way.

  • The gods are those who earned Joy’s sagacious company eons ago.

  • All sublime fragrant emanations flow through Joy’s divine diffuser.

  • Releasing the past puts you on a solid course to discover lasting joy.

As our replay service is unavailable today, you will be not be able to access and listen to today’s entire Morning Rosary Service, including the Jewels of Joy and Jesus discourse, until tomorrow. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause anyone.

071220 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #27

It takes Courage to Maintain Joy throughout Your Journey”

We are encouraged this morning to retain some aspect of the Christmas Spirit throughout the year. Jesus said that just as “the divine evergreen of God’s joy impresses its piney essence upon your being, and as fir and deodar and the cedars of light release their aromas of joy to the molecules within, you can maintain that true relationship with Spirit, with Christ, with the Mother always.” When we take Joy to heart, her blessings of light, grace and Presence will naturally and permanently be with and within us always.

As we meditate upon today’s Jewels of Joy, may we each manifest more of the Christic consciousness, as we, in Jesus’ words, “become who I AM through perfect Joy.”

  • To experience joyous parenting, look to the sun as your prime example.

  • Sapphire Joy is as precious a jewel as are Hope diamonds, Wisdom pearls and Love rubies.

  • As Joy’s long-term agent, Kindness arranges Joy’s busy schedule with her assistant, Magnanimity.

  • To make mankind’s joy complete, God periodically sends an adamantine avatar.

  • Largesse-of-heart is Joy’s favorite page-turner.

  • Joy’s understudy is Friendliness whose partner is Sincerity.

  • Guile quickly evaporates in Joy’s presence.

  • Joy is never troublesome but always helpful, resilient and salient.

  • Joy inspires all to retain something of the Christmas Spirit throughout the year.

  • Ho, Ho, Ho is Joy’s exoteric mantra.

  • Every divine discovery was inspired in some way by Joy.

  • Joy’s favorite buzz-drink is Jubil-latte!

Click here to access the entire Morning Rosary Service, including Jesus’ commentary on today’s Jewels of Joy.

071219 Jesus' Jewels of Joy #26

Take Time to Study the Jewels of Joy

Today, beloved Jesus asks us to meditate on these concepts throughout the day, to take one or more of his Jewels and let them sing within our hearts. David suggests that we memorize at least a few of them so that they are on the tip of our tongue. But most importantly, may we enter into the spirit of joy and take time to study the Jewels so that we are the Joy of Jesus to all.

  • Beloved Hilarion wants us to know that not only the first ray but the fifth ray resounds with Joy!
  • The waltz is the music of pure Joy.
  • Joy is living proof that God is Love and that Love should be enjoyable in the highest spiritual way.
  • Joy openly invites the cold and calculated to her healing hearth.
  • I AM THAT I AM is the great and joyous one-to-one equation and relationship.
  • Joy always beholds perfection in her gaze.
  • You can discover the proof of Joy’s great penetration into all life as the sunny side of every cell, as the energy behind every divine ideation and as the center of all beingness.
  • Your song of Joy may differ daily though a lilting rhythm is always there.
  • I realized the Tao of Joy first in children’s laughter.
  • Good fortune results as much from Joy’s sunny attitude as from your inherited coiffure, your mental prowess or your sweat equity.
  • Godly blessings eventually come to every joyous participant in the Divine Plan.
  • Every agnostic and atheist will eventually see the light when they discover that God is Joy.
  • The first ray resounds with Joy.

071218 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #25

When You Highlight the Highest in Others, Joy Sings

As we accept and employ these gifts of Jesus, let us remember to place a great drop of joy into each Christmas card we send and each present we wrap!

He reminds us today that “All is good for all is of God [and] when you highlight the highest in others, joy sings. When you illumine that which is unreal and focus upon it, Joy departs. The choice is up to you to have Joy or not. Thus, my choice is to always see the perfection within you, for I know that then the light swirling around you may be that which assists you in all ways to be that light of Joy.”

Allow the light of Joy to embrace you as you meditate on today’s Jewels of Joy. Close your eyes and see a sphere of light over your heart of perfect joy and pure knowingness of God’s love for you. Accept the full radiance of God’s love today right where you are, pouring into your consciousness, streaming through your heart through every molecule of your being, through every atom and every cell.

  • Fanaticism is not real joy, though your world is the outpicturing of God’s ancient fantasy brought to life.

  • Replenish joy through creating something beautiful today.

  • The Creator’s everlasting joy is that life continues to evolve and bloom.

  • Godly joy highlights all that is good and illumines all that requires a spark of goodness to come into the light.

  • Your highest ideals may be brought to fruition through Joy’s understanding and Honesty’s posture.

  • The plumb line of truth provides a measuring rod for Joy’s perfect work.

  • Every avatar is nonpareil in joy.

  • Joy came, Joy saw, Joy surrendered to the will of God and then conquered.

  • The proud know Joy’s counterfeit, the humble her true gold.

  • The prevailing winds of God carry Joy to all, but not all respond with acceptance of her challenge to become.

  • Intuiting how the Great Jester will conclude his parable, you can enter into the joy of the moment even as it is unfolding.

  • Finding Joy in all is life’s sweet challenge.

Click here to access and listen to the entire Morning Rosary Service.


071217 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #24

Be a Translator of Joy in Your World!

Jesus encourages us in his daily gift of Jewels of Joy to accept and share the blessings of the spirit which are being showered upon us as we enter the heart of Joy. He says of her: “She primes the pump of the heart for its continuous work. And thus so long as there are the trace elements of her work within you, her blessings flowing and then growing within are endless.” We can be the translators of Joy in our world through great attunement and a mind that operates “beyond the speed of light to the speed of Joy.” Thus, “Heart by heart by heart we win. Joy by joy by joy we sing.”

  • Refurbish your inner household with a new carpet of Joy.

  • Playing in the fields of life, Joy seeds new furrows of divine friendship.

  • My vineyard’s family heritage and name is Joy.

  • Propagate every thought-feeling with Joy’s hearty mindfulness.

  • The perfect venue for Joy is everywhere you walk with me.

  • The blessings of Joy seemingly last longer.

  • Your Buddha Nature, Solar Presence and causal body are all bedecked with

every imaginable jewel of Joy.

  • The prime reason for being joyous is that it pleases the God within all.

  • I am one of many interpreters and simultaneous translators of Joy.

  • The intrinsic value of Joy on your path is that she also lives and moves within

the heart of every sentient being.

  • I release polyps of joy from which you may extract a new nectar of beingness.

  • Prescience is a wisdom emanation of presence which brings joy to the knower

and the known.

Click here to access and listen to today’s Morning Rosary Service.

071216 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #23

Prepare Ye Room for Joy!

The messenger's comments early this morning were very personal and practical: "Joviality is a blessing; it is a grace that allows your ascent in an almost unconscious way as you enter into a joy-filled ritual of laughter." Let us have the wisdom to welcome joy to live in us because we don't take ourselves too seriously even as we are striving for perfection with great determination. The gods have learned to laugh at past mistakes, for there is transmutation in the laughter itself.

"Being at peace is a part of entering into joy…allow the Lord's vision of yourself as real, true, beautiful, to take hold in a moment whereby joy is fully present." In this busy season of joy, may we learn to relax in the "…certain presence of poise, stillness and calm…" whereby we can truly enjoy the laughter and the moment of joy.

  • Patience provides a permanent place-setting for Joy at the Lord's Table.

  • Joy's aphrodisiac cures the spiritually melancholy.

  • To become more productive let Joy sing within every chorus and in every refrain.

  • A life lived in Joy's aura is also a blessing to all who live within its.

  • Every appearance of Joy on the stage of your life is a momentous occasion.

  • Joy's coup de foudre is her magnetic personality, her electric smile.

  • Joy teaches divine reliance, not human compliance.

  • Joy investigates every possibility for victory and then immediately implements her plans.

  • Joy's attainment is far beyond intuition, her mastery mountains above matchmaking.

  • Let Joy be your spiritual attaché.

  • Joy exploits your inalienable right to eternal happiness.

  • Divine camaraderie is born and raised on Joy's homestead.

Jesus Stitches our Hearts Together and Blesses Us

for Greater Love and Community within our Movement

Sunday morning's services from Wellspring concluded with a beautiful blessing from Jesus for our Hearts Center Community. Full of love and gratitude for "…who [we] are, who [we] have become and who [we] shall fully be," he anointed us with the fire of joy for our victory. Appreciating each other, seeing the great God Beingness within each heartfriend opens wide the tap whereby the sacred flow of all abundance will come.

"Come ye into union; commune with my heart and I will commune with yours. I am the joy of God and in everlasting Presence I continue to serve you as the Good Shepherd. You who know my voice, hear me and live in Joy."

071215 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #22 & Goddess of Joy

Joy is the Way Out. . .and the Way in to the Divine World

Answering the call of our songs and meditations upon the Jewels of Joy from the heart of Jesus these past three weeks, the Goddess of Joy comes today radiating “the fiery, starry elements of joy across the earth.” She comes with holy purpose to raise us all in Cosmic Joy. “I now radiate to each and every one through your God-presence, through your crystal cord, which . . . you can envision now as your Tube of Light expanded nine feet in diameter, such that you can receive these cosmic frequencies of Joy to grace this planet once again for the avataric light from the very heart of God to save a people and a planet.”

Coming with a new level of joy, a new vibration of Spirit, the Goddess of Joy tells us that joy can be ours every season of the year, every hour of the day and night and in every cycle of our life on earth. And this is the key she offers for joy to be so manifest in our lives: “It is always a time for Joy to be where you are, when you understand the nature of God as true Presence. And in that richness of the quintessence of Joy you may always have access to light, greater light, magnificent light, and also access the power of that light for personal and planetary transformation.”

As we meditate daily through Christmas Eve upon Jesus’ Jewels of Joy until they are fully received in our hearts and accepted within our souls, then, as the Goddess of Joy tells us, we too as a living Christ in our own right can “go forth, born anew to be to a world avatars and avataresses of Joy.”

  • Joy not only promises but delivers!

  • Joy’s complement is Beauty and her partner Victory.

  • Joy’s fragrance is fortitude and her essence quintessence.

  • Parlay these jewels of joy into lasting beatitudes.

  • In Joy’s hourglass, the time for the sands of divine power to appear is NOW.

  • Valuing every blessing from God, you move from beggary to joyful thankfulness, from not-self reliance to Presence.

  • Gracious speech brings pure joy to all who have learned to hear from the heart.

  • Joy’s impresario is impressive!

  • Joy would rather cook up a light feast than a storm.

  • You could say that Joy is an airy wit, but she’s also a liquid light, an earthy charm, an ethereal grace and a fiery beauty.

  • Joy prepared meticulously for the angels, the shepherds, the magi and now you.

  • The art of Joy is the quintessence of Presence.

071214 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #21

Win Them with Joy; Love Them with Joy

After the reading of Jesus’ jewels, the Angel of Joy spoke, saying that lightening us up a little was the order of the day. For during this time of year the Lord comes not only on Christmas, but day by day, speaking to our hearts of his great joy. By contemplating the very face of Jesus, angels of light, the flaming fiery presence of the Holy Spirit, or the very beautiful corona of love glowing around the divine mother, we may feel joy arise within us and know surcease from all that has been anti-joy within us -- past, present and future.

With God all things are possible. Without the presence of God, nothingness is probable. So as we come together to worship, it becomes the “work-ship” of our relations, our comrades, our friends of light; and together, locked hand-in-hand, we ascend a little more each day. Love one another as Jesus has proclaimed it “through the gospel of peace, through the new law of love, through the light that he bore and that he still may bore within you to greater depths of being until you are all light, light, light.”
Win them with joy; love them with joy. Joy is light and light is joy; therefore be that joy and be that light today.

  • Joy is indispensable to your ascension.

  • When grace is lacking, your meanness sends Joy packing.

  • Fortuitous divine intercessions multiply in Joy’s presence.

  • Here is my RSVP for Joy’s gathering of momentum.

  • In heaven uplift is synonymous with Joy.

  • Thus, all wings are really composed of Joy’s concentrated synthesis of light.

  • Traveling with Joy helps dissolve time, space and impatience.

  • Joy arranges Beauty’s coming of age parties.

  • Join Joy’s partisans in routing ignorance and impracticality.

  • Let your laughter be reverent, your revelry holy and your joy courteous.

  • Joy can even placate the hardened criminals of envy and pride.

  • If Truth be known, Joy’s loving courage must first be sown.

071213 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #20

Magda Comes to Magnify the Light of the Christ within Each of Us

I AM the Light of Joy Within You this Day

On this the feast day of Sancta Lucia, there are processions in Sweden and throughout Scandinavia, even as there is a procession in heaven with many ascended lady masters and the archeiai. This sacred procession of the Ladies of Heaven is for washing clean the earth and moving souls from the age of Pisces into the stream of love and freedom that is Aquarius.

Beloved Magda, a participant in this procession, came this morning to discourse on the great light of the feminine principle of God as Joy. “As you are joyful the angels and heavenly beings come to surround you, for the very nature of the angels is joy. And, in their songs and praises, in their heavenly choirs, joy resounds throughout the world.” And this same joy may resound in our world, as we sing Christmas carols and praise God in all we do throughout this holy season.

Magda asks us to join the procession of light, for as our soul sings in praise of the Divine One, there “will be cosmic connectivity with all the Ladies of Heaven, whereby at any hour of the day or night when [we] may feel even a slight inkling of darkness in some way, by reminding [ourselves] of the availability of [their] presence, [they] will raise [us] once again into cosmic joy, the joy of the Ladies of Light.”

Jewels of Joy from the Heart of Jesus

Take a moment to meditate on the heart of Jesus as you read his Jewels of Joy for today:

  • Behold Joy within day and night.

  • Compose your own psalms of praise and joy and know divine uplift therefrom.

  • Joy is prophetic and becoming of the Christ Light within you.

  • I hold the Father fully responsible for any virtue, grace and joy I bear.

  • Each day you experience an inner trial to see if you will pray and surrender in your own personal Gethsemane and then move on to fulfill the will of God in your life. I am with you to support you in every step.

  • The blessings of Christ peace flow and glow within you and within all.

  • Have you listened to the divine commercial that is always playing to woo you to purchase the pearl of great price of eternal Joy through God’s love?

  • Every blessing is a manifestation of Joy.

  • All spiritual diversions may disappear when you focus on the crystalline light of the Christ principle within others as you selflessly and joyously serve them.

  • Through Joy I had to know the truth before I could fully become an intercessor and mediator for the Father to help set others free.

  • Joy and praise go hand in hand and sing heart to heart.

  • Let Joy be fully resurrected within you!

071212 Jesus' Jewels of Joy #19

  • Joy delights in exploring God’s light rays, light waves and light ways.
  • Friends of Joy communicate her wisdom in every possible way through visionary heartreach.
  • Joy sets you up for a massive failure to accept defeat.
  • My compelling reason for you to be joyous is that your health will improve.
  • The end results of joy are presence, peace and perfection.
  • Individuality’s highest expression is total divine joy.
  • Intuiting how God continues to endow the universe with new joy, invest your energies into the Creator’s new cosmic plan for beauty.
  • Joy is quite a live wire but she has few guide lines.
  • Forget your last reaction to those who tried to steal your joy and live in the center of the hallowed circle of Joy’s closest companions.
  • Replenish your joy through a thorough study of God’s creation outpictured in nature.
  • Joy highlights the truth even as the truth elicits an exclamation of Joy’s Spirit.
  • The victory consciousness is Joy in its purest essence.
071212 Leto
Beloved Leto Honors Mother Mary on Her Feast Day

Transcend the Human Self Today

Reach for the Stars!

Beloved Leto comes to honor Mother Mary and to augment the light of the Cosmic Mother in the Virgin of Guadalupe on this the Virgin's feast day. Leto’s presence is radiating through every image of Mother Mary everywhere today as a way of assisting all people to ascend in consciousness, to communicate with the masters and the angels, to help us pierce the veil that separates heaven and earth.

Humility, acceptance of the possibility that we can know oneness with God even as we walk the earth, understanding the mission of the angels and our heavenly sponsors on our behalf, having a bit more faith, love, acceptance of Presence—all these are keys.

Clear the Subconscious

Another key Leto shares is the importance of clearing the subconscious with the “violet transmuting singing light prayers, songs and mantras” daily and letting go of past failures, of worry, of regret. This is what will assist her angels to lift us up and accelerate the gifts and siddhis within us through divine union.

071211 Jesus’ Jewels #18

Turn This World Around by Your Light, One with Ours; by Your Voice, One with Ours; by Your Heart, Fully One with Ours

Jesus gave his pre-Christmas message as a fiery discourse this morning after his Jewels of Joy. He reminded us that we each have the key to overcoming through the Word, the sacred Word, the I AM THAT I AM. Jesus encouraged us each day to “take this sacred alchemy and formula” and create and give affirmations to proclaim the I AM name in the way that both glorifies God and resonates within. He suggested we give the following affirmations throughout the day as we proclaim the I AM THAT I AM within us.

I AM the Christ consciousness.

I AM my Buddha Nature here and now.

I AM the light of God that always prevails.

I AM true to my Higher Self.

I AM full of the richness of the spirit.

I AM God’s presence of healing for all.

Here are today’s Jewels of Joy from the Heart of Jesus for our meditation, edification and delight:

  • Your divine potential is more easily expressed through Joy.

  • The true bliss of beingness in God through service is Joy’s domain.

  • Valuing and revering every part of life is an aspect of Joy’s responsibility.

  • Those who challenge your inner joy test your divine mettle, but the real alchemists of the spirit remember that often gold was once lead.

  • Joy is crystalline and uplifting in nature, like singing, dancing snowflakes.

  • First know the internal Joy of the Spirit, for then her presence will effuse itself from the inside out to permeate your entire life.

  • In all problematic relationships and negotiations let Joy serve as your mediator.

  • Fending only for one’s self leaves Joy out of the picture-perfect ending.

  • The most complex equations are easily solved by Joy. In this case she dons a violet robe. Her violet-joy solution is yours for the asking!

  • All attempts to avoid Joy will simply increase her motivation and concentration to woo and reconnect you to your Source.

  • Joy is replete with every valuable gift of God—truly the Creator’s Christmas Presence!

  • Joy sings within the voice of every child looking to you for a loving example to follow back to the heart of God.

071003 Lord Ling

Beloved Lord Ling Comes with an Update and a Gift

Beloved Lord Ling comes at the request of El Morya to report to us on where we are as a movement and that which must be accomplished to allow for the fulfillment of the mission of The Hearts Center. He is grateful for the generosity of heartfriends in responding to beloved Portia’s request that one hundred respond and support the securing of the Wellspring/Golden Ratio property. To date, forty percent of this request has been fulfilled and heaven expresses its appreciation for this. In order for the Darjeeling Council to act, the remaining sixty percent must come forward. It is well understood that some have responded in their hearts with great intention to support the securing of the Wellspring property.

A direct response—person-by-person—is the requirement. The Darjeeling Council awaits the remaining response, for it is ready to assist us as soon as the dispensation of the support of these one hundred is a reality. The laws of God require an obedience and flexibility of spirit now just as they did for the children of Israel attempting to enter the Promised Land with Moses. He tells us that some of us were among them. Each one of us knows what we are responsible for in fulfilling Portia’s request and that the support of this project means different things to different heartfriends. For those who have given all not only through their finances but through their time offered in prayer and volunteer service, it may mean the giving of a token donation, a sign of one’s support. For those who have received much but have not yet approached sacrificial giving for what they have received, now is the time to place that offering on the altar.

Let us come together and see what we can do. Lord Ling also shares at El Morya’s request that not only the financial support of the Wellspring project is the need of the hour, but constancy in keeping the general fund of this movement supplied in order to support our messenger and those others receiving compensation for their work in vital areas including our website renovation. For at this time, there are not sufficient funds to do this. The Darjeeling Council has desired that greater numbers of volunteers become employees, being reimbursed for the hours of service given in love on behalf of all heartfriends. Lord Ling suggests a townhall meeting before the European pilgrimage to come together to discuss solutions so that all may be accomplished.

The miracle light of your Presence is sufficient!” The light of our Solar Presence that is within, above and around us is all that is required, Lord Ling reminds. Connect with this mighty living, loving light resource, yours for the asking! For those who have not yet given he says, “Give into my begging bowl this day such that I may then offer this abundance to the Lord of the World and to all sponsoring masters of this movement to continue this dispensation.” By All Saints Day there needs to be a response of this one hundred supporters in order for the Darjeeling Council to move with their assistance.

Lord Ling makes a plea to local Hearts Centers. Lord Ling suggests as we face this time of opportunity that local Hearts Centers consider what they could do to support the general fund for the completion of the new website and the support of the messenger. He once again acknowledges the generosity of many heartfriends, the many who have given everything. He asks that all of us continue to work with alchemical processes that will allow for greater abundance to become a reality in the collective awareness of heartfriends everywhere.

Supporting us in all ways, Lord Ling offers a gift from his heart. Through an emanation from his Solar Presence, Lord Ling gives his support to Fortuna and Mother Mary. He shares his vision of the flowing of abundance throughout our lives like the flowing of “milk and honey throughout this land.” He then offers a gift to us with these words, “I, Moses, your Lord Ling, give unto you a ring …on behalf of this dispensation…. for the victory of this movement.” His message exudes the joy spirit that this victory will be won. He tells us that we will cross the Red Sea to abide in the Promised Land, by God’s grace. As our intent is holy, this is so. He asks us to join him in kneeling before our altars to pledge that which we will give daily, monthly, yearly to support this blessed movement. He extends his love to us and sings to the victory of our souls to soar unto oneness with the Beloved.

071210 Jesus' Jewels of Joy #17

The New Gospel of Joy

In his commentary after the reading of Jesus’ Jewels of Joy this morning, Jesus asked us, “Why not walk the simpler path of peace through joy?” He told us that there is a glow in our auras and radiance in our visage when joy truly manifests through our consciousness. As we imbibe joy, day by day, the fragrance of our true Self aerates our soul. “Hitch your wagon to my star this day and know God’s love for you, God’s birthright endowed unto you aeons ago…Preach my new Gospel of Joy to the nations and sing your joy to the world each day…in this our joint venture to be wayshowers, lightsharers and bodhisattvas of love.”

  • Joy is the great transporter of God’s vision of happiness to all.

  • My mission, as inspired by my Father, has been to open a new portal of joy to the world through compassion and kindness.

  • Joy is forever young, intelligent and radiantly gracious.

  • Gaining ground more swiftly each day you ascend by the ropes and grappling hooks of joy that we employ.

  • The patient process of attainment is oiled by Joy.

  • Joy helps you compose yourself for an easier acceptance of (or surrender to) God’s holy will.

  • Treasures of the heart shine brighter in Joy’s presence.

  • The fragrant ones know Joy’s many accessories and accomplices.

  • Foundlings of the spirit may learn to embrace Joy’s lineage by her many boons and graces.

  • My compelling reason for you to be joyful: It is easier on your soul and more beneficent to mankind.

  • The primary accessories of Joy are freedom and justice.

  • The joyful have learned to be caring of the feelings of all.

071209 Lanto

Lord Lanto Comes as an Emissary of the Entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood - who Moves to Secure this Planet for the Light

Asking us to meditate on the Jewels of Joy given today, Jesus invited his friend and brother Lord Lanto to speak to our community of heartfriends on behalf of the chohans. In his own words he said that while he normally would give unto us “… a treatise on the wisdom of the ages and on the holy Buddhas,” today he "…spoke with a greater fire of beingness than in quite some time." He began thus: "The ennoblement of wisdom in your heart-mind connection is the key to your ascent." He pointed out that these sessions with Jesus are allowing "vast quantities of the light to descend," and we are being washed and enfired with the essence of joy and continually christened with the light. The purpose of all that is given is always to bring us into greater presence so that what we receive is both "…sufficient for us and efficient in its release to do its perfect work upon earth." He reminded us that we are both lightning rods for this release and focal points for the fanning out of God-good to the entire planetary home.

Briefly stated here: It is time to unite as one community—for each one of us needs the power, guidance, understanding and joy that it brings.

Securing the Wellspring property is vitally important on many levels and he called for a powerful vigil to this end. Remember that there are many strata of souls evolving upward and all levels and services are needed and honored in the great planetary shift. Heartfriends should study the sacred treatises on vibration education for they were inspired by many ascended ones and cosmic Buddhas who will assist us in our mastery of the frequencies of the secret rays. Put aside distractions and diversions and commune more often and more deeply within the interior castle of being.

When he concluded he sealed us in the crown of joy and asked that we stand and affirm the victory of the Hearts Center community. All heartfriends who did not hear this important message are strongly encouraged to listen to the replay available under the Sanctuary tab.
071209 Jesus Jewels of Joy # 16

Jesus’ Jewels of Joy are Served as our Holy Communion

After the singing of "Joy to the World" this morning, the messenger welcomed everyone to the reading of the Jewels of Jesus and shared these words: "Please meditate on his beautiful face, the glory of his aura, the magnificence of his presence as a cosmic being, avatar, world savior and bringer of joy to an entire world and beyond. Let Jesus’ light flow around you. And as you listen to these Jewels each day, partaking of the very essence of his consciousness and being, realize that this is an aspect of his daily communion with us, that which he breaks of his body and feeds us as the wine of his spirit."

* Joy offers herself as the antidote to human suffering which arises from unconscious living.

* Populate the cosmos with every possible color, tone and essence of joy. This is my great commission.

* Travelers upon the spiritual highways of light always recognize one another with a unique, joyous sign of greeting.

* The possibilities for co-creative joy in your divine partnership are infinite and beautiful.

* Even as precious pearls are valued upon earth so these Jewels of Joy are highly valued in heaven.

* Compress time and space into one-pointed being through joy.

* The spiritually proactive receive Joy’s gift of divine designer genes.

* Transmute human nonsense into Buddhic no-thought through the alchemical fires of joy.

* Your power to change is borne by joy even as your willingness to improve is born of her.

* A life lived to magnify God is selfless, Self-ish and joyous.

* Joy is your best defense, for she pleads her case without resting.

* Joy is the substance of things Hope has won, the evidence of things she now sees.

071208 Jesus' Jewels of Joy #15

A Pandemic of Joy

In preparation for Christmas, we continue our meditations on the words of our beloved Jesus. Today the Master spoke tenderly of residing in the awareness of joy, day and night. He spoke of the fragrances of joy’s flowery essence which can truly infect the multitudes. Discoursing with us on the Jewels, he asked us to receive them in humility and honor so that we may have this “great new fire” and be just stewards and humble servants in order that many may rise and soar.

  • The guardians of truth also witness Joy's surprises, for her pranks upon the righteous bring their hidden foibles to light.

  • Not all see Joy as virtuous, but the Creator knows otherwise, for did not God celebrate all that was created as good?

  • Joy's synthesis of the stream of ancient gnosis with the brook of modern insight creates a clear, new river of divine wisdom.

  • Fortunate are those who reside in Joy day and night, for neither shadow nor darkness can shroud her glory.

  • Be mindful of Joy's light plight even as you are ecstatic in her bright flight!

  • Joy doesn't act gratuitously, though her students accept her heavenly gratuities.

  • Foment with me a new siege on the tyranny of depression by Joy's sword.

  • Moving in presence brings Joy's awareness into Now's reality.

  • Patience provides an immaculate, quiet sanctum for Joy's inspiration.

  • Joy's fragrance also includes ample distillations of honeysuckle, lilac and rose.

  • Let Joy become the earth's attractive, new pandemic.

  • Joy presses the spiritually foolhardy to become the mystic avant-garde.

071207 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #14

Let Your Heart Speak Only of Joy

After Heartfriends prayed for the comforting of the victims and families of the Omaha incident and for elemental life, the following Jewels of Joy were read with beloved Jesus’ beautiful commentary afterwards.
Jesus told us that “the way of suffering is no longer the way of the Buddha and the Christ,” adding that in the new crystal golden age, the way of joy, through presence and understanding, may be mankind’s way—if all opt to walk the higher road that Jesus and the bodhisattvas walk today.
“Relish others’ victories,” he said, as well as your own, “for there is no place for envy or jealousy on the path.” By supporting your brother and sister, you take flight together on joy’s wings and understand that it is more honorable, practical and wonderful to travel together in harmony.

“In joy I have come, in joy I sing, and in joy I abide within you.”

  • Joy is the celebration of justice outplayed.

  • Have you discovered the presence of Joy in completing every detail of your most sacred work?

  • The striving ones know that, although they work against incalculable odds, Joy antes up the difference on their behalf.

  • Fortune works generously with Joy's abundant assets.

  • Study the flowering of joy through children's spontaneity and creative work.

  • Joy provides attainment's perfect recipe but you must earn, purchase and mix the ingredients.

  • Godless gloating is the counterfeiting of Joy.

  • Joy balances the ledgers of love and wisdom with her power.

  • Joy is assertive but not impudent, overt but not oppressive, frank but not preachy.

  • Joy victoriously helps fulfill Hope's dreams.

  • God's tears when observing human nonsense are assuaged by Joy's comfort.

  • Joy's wings are wide and strong enough to uplift all.

071206 Jesus’ Jewels of Joy #13

May God Bless You and Ever Grace You with His Presence of Joy Always

During this Christmas season, beloved Jesus reminds us today that we are all traversing “the sands with the Wise Men, to come to the sacred crèche where all observe the rebirth of the Christ within one another and within the world.” He suggests we each “give from the heart in some novel manifestation” as we “proclaim joy in some new creative way” to our friends, families and coworkers. Whether we share a smile or offer something more to those in need, may we remember to inculcate joy into all we do, and thereby “receive the direct transfusion of [Joy’s] essence of divine happiness” in the process.

  • Retreating from joy is not an option for the intrepid who strive to devour the whole loaf of God’s consciousness.

  • Our pretense is this: Joy is the way out of every dilemma and the entryway to a more intimate relationship with every divine advocate.

  • Participation in the Brotherhood’s planning moves you into the sacred stream of heavenly joy which engulfs all earthly bliss.

  • God’s gallery is replete with ever-changing representations of beauty from all worlds, but especially from the joyful hearts of those who revere life as sacred.

  • Your deep, silent contemplation should begin to include some reflection on joy.

  • Commentary on the spiritual life is lackluster unless it includes examples of Joy’s practical handiwork.

  • Every flower, every crystal and every awakened soul has known the awesome and transformative power of centrifugal joy.

  • Joy is intensely inclusive, spreading her wings over all peoples, cultures and religions.

  • Your candidacy for the ascension is nigh when Joy sings within your heart day and night.

  • The rising of your own sun-consciousness is witnessed daily by the angels of Joy who acknowledge and applaud every heroic, selfless act.

  • Mindful gardens, creative classrooms and conversational studies are three favorite hangouts of Joy.

  • The crowning jewel of all virtues is joy.

071205 Jesus's Jewels of Joy #12

Become the Word of Joy

Beloved Jesus tells us today that “the Gospel is a Gospel of Joy” and that it is to be declared in joy and in its beauty and in our love. By becoming “the Word of Joy,” the teaching we share becomes living, healing, transformative. Through today’s Jewels from Jesus’ heart, we learn that praise, trust, strength, constancy and virtuous behavior contain the quality of joy for their perfect revelation in us.

  1. Publish joy everywhere!

  1. Praise is joy magnified through the higher chakras. For as you honor the Creator, your spirit is blessed and a new inner alignment occurs.

  1. The benefits of becoming an exponent of joy are boundless. Try it!

  1. Trust in God creates the vehicle for joy’s effulgent appearance and work.

  1. Appropriate joy through the heart and let it resonate through you even as its radiance expands upward and outward to encompass many worlds.

  1. Joy’s methods are pure, its manners sweet and its effects powerful.

  1. Joy is a model of fortitude, for it allows you to weather every storm with equanimity and to abide in peaceful presence with the same spirited poise.

  1. The permanent flowering of joy within a soul is beautiful to behold.

  1. Every victorious disciple has earned the right to have joy as a life-long benefactor because he has magnetized her through our serious light work.

  1. Following your sacred principles, you always discover joy within the process.

  1. Joy allows you to manifest your spiritual life while managing your human responsibilities with perfect balance and fun.

  1. Joy’s effervescence is contagious and her inoculations miraculous!