071030 Lady Kristine’s Chrisms #15
I am an advocate of grace to a planet and her people. Will you join me in the great procession of joy and light?
Light is grace in its pristine form and when the light that is in thee is single how great is that grace that may flow.
Discover grace in every flower and in the flower of your mind one with God’s.
The venerable ones always roll out the white carpet of grace for their chelas.
All power in heaven and on earth is given unto me by grace.
Freedom is grace empowered through love allowing the soul to know God.
Would you create a parody of the divine personages of God’s ministrants? Or would you don the very garments of grace that they wear?
The noble hearts who understand the Christic path walk with the Lord at their side, with the Lady on their arm as true conquering heroes by grace.
Do not underestimate the dynamism of holy grace that may be yours.
I am a fiery furnace in which you may throw out the coals of non-awareness and non-acceptance of your divine estate.