071001 Nada

Becoming Lovers of Life by Greater Awareness of Love’s Presence

Lady Master Nada came on Sunday morning with her presence and aura of love. She blessed the union in holy matrimony of two heartfriends whose wedding ceremony the Messenger was honored to be conducting a little later that day. Her purpose in coming was also to bless the wedding feast of each and every heartfriend whose divine union with spirit is occurring in increments every day. She wants us to know the beloved in our own God Presence and within all. As we touch briefly upon some of the wisdom and practical love that she brought as wedding gifts for us all, we’ll begin with these very personal words:

I am your servant. I am your friend, your sister, your mother. And as I press you to my heart and you receive the roseate hues of my grace this day, know, O soul, how you are loved of God always. I am your Nada, available in love to wash you clean in the eternal grace of fire.”

Our spiritual work is a sacred journey when we stay mindful of the goal which is “perfect union with the beloved” whereby we receive for ourselves and impart to others practical means to assist us along the way.

Make love in your life that which lifts, supports, nurtures and allows souls to “move higher in the great stream, the Heartstream of God.”

All that we ingest daily becomes a part of us and as we assimilate the light essence of the masters’ words, art, music and the geometric patterns behind them all, we are raised moment by moment. We garner more light, our cells carry more light and our aura “vibrates with a greater clarity of radiance.”

During all your presentations, invite the blessed elementals and angels to dine and dance with you, singing songs of love which waft upon the air and in the gentle breeze of helpfulness caresses a particular one who may be burdened in that hour….”

Our compassion may provide a doorway of the spirit, a pathway to greater love as with the light shining through our eyes we amplify the light essence within the soul that is “…rising, rising, rising each day in that mother flow…” and the one, cognizant of the sacred process of soul evolution, may be washed clean.

Yes, the violet light which is amplified love and mercy to the max, will carve out new pathways for many souls if the teaching whereby you present it as a sacred gift from the heart of Saint Germain and Portia is one that through a lively and glorious presentation exemplifies the virtues of the 7th ray of forgiveness, of the transmutation of the past toward perfect love and the victory spiral that is initiated as all progresses from the 6th to the 7th dispensation and plane of being.”

Many of us move in consciousness with the angels in our musings. And yet the masters seek to bring to bear in our worlds a greater objectivity, a greater solar awareness and a greater awareness of many more dimensions of ourselves. And these awarenesses make us greater lovers of life.