070923 Lanello
This Property Has Been Sanctified!
Support The Mission of Mother Mary!
Beloved Lanello comes today to explain that the autumnal equinox is a reminder to all of us “to reenter the very equation of God as light”, a coming into unity. He, as the Sun King, blesses the Wellspring property with “the light of the crown, the corona of fire of the Godhead for the energizing of the sacred alchemy” of our united effort for the Brotherhood. This sanctified property, an anchor-point of “the crystal fires of heaven” through our daily prayers and devotion is to be vouchsafed. There is to be the continued anchoring of the presence of light by the presence of the messenger and through this movement’s “utilizing the very physical property itself—the offices, the rooms which have been energized by the light from many hearts one with ours”. Lanello asks us, each heartfriend, to once again consider the ways we can support this mission of the Great White Brotherhood by a physical move to Wellspring or by our financial support or through our heartfelt prayers.
Now is the time. Understand the cycles. Each and every heartfriend, young and old, is needed for the victory. The coming together in community and communion is the way to bring in “a golden crystal age of freedom and enlightenment”. Some here have “given their all daily” as they have also done in prior embodiments. This sacrificial service meant for them a move to this area, seeing the need to build here “an outpost worthy in the sight of God”. Lanello desires that now many others join these who are here in support of the continuing Mission of the Two Witnesses. This mission has never ceased. Now is the time to act so that the purposes of Mother Mary and her vision for this land may be fulfilled.
“What matters is your heart. What matters is your love.” Lanello blesses all who have given their all by blessing them “with a greater energization of the flow, of the sacred essence of the blood of your own Christ beingness through my magnanimous heart this day.” He resuscitates us and reminds us that whether we are recent students or those who have known the teachings for decades, what truly matters is the love that we contain in our hearts for millions of souls who are depending on us for their own victory. May we consider ourselves wayshowers and teachers, making this path real—“this Round Table Union of Holy Communion in God together.
Unite, sons and daughters of mankind! Beloved Morya and Saint Germain as Merlin, stand with us delivering the energies of the dispensation of Camelot into the earth because one among us here, having come from Glastonbury, has held in her heart the vision and “vowed long, long ago to be an anchor point for the light of the Mother within the earth”. Lanello tells us that “it is time for the brothers of all nations to unite toward the purpose of providing the platform for peace and enlightenment upon the earth. He kneels and implores mankind to cease their warring and worship God, living in harmony with their brothers and sisters. He thanks God for those devoted ones who will help make this a reality.
David shares current plans for Wellspring and Golden Ratio. In comments directly following Lanello’s HeartStream, David affirms that there are plans underway for The Hearts Center to secure a portion of the Wellspring/Golden Ratio property as a headquarters for our movement. Details will be forthcoming. He encourages those who have committed to purchase condominiums in the Golden Ratio project, to finalize arrangements and for others to consider finding out more about this project and supporting in any way possible the physical anchoring of The Hearts Center at Wellspring. David honored John Fanuzzi as a hero to the Brotherhood for his accomplishments—that which he has built out of love for Mother Mary and Mother. David and John see this property teeming with life and activity and community and continuing to anchor healing light—a place where all are welcome and where relationships may be strengthened among differing spiritual communities. May we all work together to make it so.
To listen to Lanello's message from this morning, go to the Broadcast/Audio page and click on "click here for replays".