071029 Lady Kristine Chrisms #14
Lady Kristine was with us once again this morning to share her grace and wisdom in this the 14th in her series of Chrisms.
131. A panoply of guardian spirits, a host of angelic guardians, a veritable pantheon of divine intercessors are always available to the spiritual devotee to call upon for assistance. Why not utilize this heavenly resource more often?
When you live in Presence you are in the presence of all divine spirits and the assistance that comes vibrates all around you always. The entire Universal White Brotherhood is at our beck and call because we live within their stream of awareness.
132. Resident evil is no match for the presiding Presence of godly love.
The ghostly ghouls of Halloween are no match for the cosmic light of the Brotherhood through all of the divine intercessors who we have a love for.
133. Your soul’s travel to our octaves of grace may be instantaneous through practice.
Leaving our bodies to enter higher octaves takes practice and trying. By the power of thought we can enter into the mind of God, instantaneously, beyond time and space. Utilizing the higher sensitivities and faculties of the soul, from the spiritual vantage point, you can be amazed at what you see, revel in the light and enter into the bliss of cosmic oneness in this sacred dance and travel.
134. Glorifying God is every sentient being’s purpose and responsibility, though the means, manner and methodology vary with each one.
Simply go through your day and attempt to glorify God in some way. Life takes on new meaning, the eternal sunshine of the Presence of God blesses you and the very glory of the Sun behind the sun will emanate through you as, moment by moment, you see your very purpose and responsibility to be to glorify God.
135. Grace cannot be apportioned, for it is an endless reservoir born of the Infinite and borne by all angelic servitors.
This endless reservoir is the infinite presence, the omnipotent light and the omniscient cosmic wisdom of God. Tapping into it is joy. Experiencing it is bliss. And knowing it with the fullness of God’s effulgence within us is our very reason for being a co-creator with God.
136. Consciousness or Presence awareness is the doorway to every divine world.
Every outer ring that we expand to accommodate and then to grow into (in our self-discovery process) is a new doorway to the Divine. It truly is the most glorious opportunity to know God through everything, in everything, by everything.
137. After life and then consciousness, free will is the third gift of God to man.
Free will is individuality. But in the individed unity of oneness with God, free will leads to the perfectionment through the divine will. And there is no separation when you realize that free will is the willing of self to be free in God.
138. Realizing one’s divine nature is the summum bonum of existence.
The apex of existence is Self-realization in God
139. A life lived to magnify God is beautiful, no matter how short.
We have read stories of children who at the soul level may have known that they would only live a short life. And yet they gave it their all, they had joy, they had a spirit of virya….Our life is short in comparison with the eternal aeons of God’s omnipresent awareness of Self. Let us everyday live a life of beauty in magnifying God…and if we can concentrate greater God-power, wisdom and love each moment whereby we experience the totality of God’s presence in what we do and who we are, then no matter how long or short our life is then it will have been worth every breath.
140. All true healing arises from entering the dynamic field of unity through the reconnection of the patient with the divine principle of light.
There is light, intelligence and information within the secret ray energies and frequencies. When we allow the energies to move through us through consciousness, then true healing may arise. “Arise” in this sense means to awaken as a Buddha or to awaken to our own Buddha nature whereby we have access to all divine principles of light behind the frequencies.