071002 Astrea from 061005

This morning’s dictation was a timely replay from Beloved Astrea, Elohim of the Fourth Ray, which was given October 5, 2006, just before the pilgrimage to Egypt. At that time, she came with her flaming sword to defend all who were going on the Middle East trip as well as to demagnetize the entire planetary body, so that the sons and daughters of God could rise to their God-estate.

Although a year old, this dictation has many important reminders for today. The master told us, . . <b>”when you invoke the circle and sword, I am there around you!. . . Blessed ones, you invoke that tube of light daily, but do you truly accept the radiance of the white light of your God Presence around you, in you, through you always? Then make it so.</b>
“ When you daily invoke this action of the circle and sword, you cannot even imagine how many angels, cosmic beings and ascended masters come to your side worshipping the very light of God within your heart and adding their momentum of fire for the ascension currents to be where you are. Blessed ones, <b>this is one of the greatest gifts that you have, this call to the cosmic masters of the white ray, to me and to Purity. For we come doting upon you to clean you up, to make you shine, to make you more radiant.</b> For do you not know that the Lord God sees you truly as a shining star, blessed ones? Therefore, when you can hold for yourself that visualization of perfection, of unity and of oneness with your God-source, then greater light can flow into your consciousness, being and world; and you can truly manifest miracle-light where you are.”

Beloved Astrea also told us that many seventh ray masters, not only Saint Germain and Portia but Arcturus, Victoria and many cosmic beings of the seventh ray were also looking in upon earth to see how the lightbearers were doing in manifesting more of the light of freedom. “Therefore, the action of the white light that does now circle you is also an action of freedom, do you not see? For it frees you from what has been magnetized through your own non-acceptance of purity in your worlds!
<b> “ The white light of the circle and sword of Astrea is actually an accelerated action of the violet flame if you could see it. And, therefore, there is a certain action of a certain tingeing of that white-blue light of the circle and sword that I bear with the violet light, accelerated to such an extent that you do not even know that it is this action of freedom for your soul, blessed ones.</b> Therefore, I give you another mystery this day of how the [spiritual] rays interpenetrating and working on your behalf may bring into your world and domain miracles, transcendence and truly a humility of Alpha manifest within your hearts, minds and beings.

She also mentioned how Beloved Jesus knelt in the Garden of Gethsemane and uttered those famous words “Not my will but thine be done,” and then said, “If only, blessed ones, you could have this humility within your aura at all times, nothing could attach itself to you of darkness, do you see? Therefore, dwell in that holy will within the white sphere of the Mother's love for your soul always.”

And so to all dear Heartfriends, those going and those staying, call to Beloved Astrea for purity’s light to be with you, as we are all everywhere in the consciousness of God.