070927 Portia
Be the First Fruits of the Light to Secure This Dispensation
Anchoring the light of God-justice on behalf of the evolutions of the planet, Beloved Portia came this morning as the messenger of the Karmic Board to reply to a request of the Darjeeling Council through El Morya based on forward movement on the part of The Hearts Center Council. Responding both to the intent and the causal body momentums of light that we all bring to bear, the Karmic Board is offering a dispensation of grace, “whereby there may be an increase in [our] abundance and the light vouchsafed to [us], so long as a certain number among the body of this Hearts Center movement stand to declare and affirm with one voice their desire to move forward with the plans to secure the property” in the Paradise Valley.
Bold Steps Must Be Taken
“I, Portia, now stand before you with my sword raised, to say that if a certain hundred among you would declare and aver your support of this endeavor, then, blessed ones, we of the Karmic Board will move heaven and earth to also move away the certain obstacles and barriers that have been set before you. . .” However, for the greater plan of the Karmic Board to physically manifest, there must be a one-pointedness and bold steps taken by many heartfriends “willing to put aside certain personal agendas. . . .and the drawing forth from [our] causal bodies by God’s grace, and only by God’s grace, that great light that [we] have access to through the ultimate surrender of the lesser self and the garnering of the light of the greater Self through [our] work and service.”
“Thus I ask in this hour, who among you will stand now with the Lords of Karma as we deliver this dispensation to affirm your desire to be of assistance to us? Who among you will be the first fruits and will deliver upon the altar your signature, your stamp of approval upon our plan?”
Support Mother Mary on Wednesday Mornings at Wellspring
If those in the local area fulfilled Mother Mary’s request for twelve people to be present, “then the very light anchored through her presence will be an action of the precipitation ray, a great boon to you, blessed ones, in securing the very physical property itself.” Mother Mary, our Lady of cosmic Abundance, “holds the key to the very flow of that divine grace of the heaven world that [we] call abundance and the treasures of heaven.”
Portia came in support of Mother Mary, saying that when people affirm that they will be physically present, “then the angels surround you and the light does flow, and the abundance will grow.”
The entire Karmic Board affirmed through Portia as their messenger this morning that they would support of all who “will do what they are capable and able to do, even if it were $10 sent in for the building fund. . .We will multiply it, we will increase the flow through you, personally, if you believe and if you perceive with new eyes what is possible, what you are capable of being the anchor point for in this sacred alchemy.”
Sealed with the Light of the Master Alchemist
Saint Germain also stands with us this day to increase the light of all whom “with their hearts upturned to God” perform their alchemical works. Portia then sealed us all in this beautiful prayer: May heaven’s grace be yours each day, not only when you pray, but when you look upon each other also as brethren and sisters of the light, and affirm the light in each one, ennoble it, draw it forth, and multiply it through your service and through the cosmic justice, [the] sacred flow that will be yours as you attune to our hearts.”
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For those who would like to respond to Portia's request, the Building Development Fund can be found on our website by clicking either the “Donate Now” button, or the “Support Us” button on the menu to your left. You may also send personal checks for the Building Development Fund, to The Hearts Center, P.O. Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047