071027 Lady Kristine Chrisms #13
Lady Kristine Chrisms #13
We received the anointing of the next ten chrisms from Lady Kristine this morning for our meditation and assimilation. Following each chrism is a summary of her commentary for each of the chrisms.
121. Gratitude to and for life engenders greater grace to nurture all of one’s endeavors even as it allows the opening of new portals of opportunity for the bestowal of life’s blessings unto the initiate.
“Gratitude and grace are one. Without gratitude there is no grace and without the flow of grace it is hard to be grateful” for what we receive from the divine world. Gratitude and grace “are two aspects of God’s consciousness which is the givingness of God, the engendering of light through all avenues of selfhood to bless each of our endeavors. And as each of our sacred works is fulfilled then grace opens its portal through which God’s blessing may continue to flow to the initiates of the Spirit."
122. Transcending your self is your daily work.
“Unless we are progressing, we are regressing. Unless we are transcending we are not transmitting to the world the essence of our being as God’s co-creator.”
123. The “poor me” syndrome must be erased from your cell memory while a new law of Beingness as cosmic responsibility is impressed and recorded therein.
When we have the consciousness that we will fulfill our divine plan, nothing will stand in the way of that. No past “poor me memories” that lag in our electronic belt can take us from the fulfillment of our goal. When we have fire in our being, that fire erases all past sense of limitation. Fire records a new awareness of Self as a God-being, a co-creator.
124. Those who believe not only achieve but may, by grace, perceive new vistas where the angelic choirs are ever creating more verdant fields of faith.
It is by faith that we can build and create. With each accomplishment we build the foundation for future accomplishments.
125. Since my ascension I have personally come to know each of the archeiai, but I encourage you to follow my lead while you’re still residing upon earth.
Tap into the awareness of each of the archeiai throughout the day. Let us call to each of these heavenly beings to help us in our projects, our awareness, our family, our children, and our community. The archeiai are cosmic reservoirs of light, energy and inspiration for us. They will grace us within their crystal radiance to help us in all of our endeavors.
126. I am pursuing those who are on a path of becoming professional spiritualists, which I now define as adepts of the spirit. These are not self-proclaimed messianic mediums but truly messengers of the Word whom they’ve become through striving and self-sacrifice.
Lady Kristine said that the word “spiritualist” needs to have a new meaning: describing those who have become the word of Christ, truly messengers of that word, thru striving and self-sacrifice. Each of us is a messenger and this is the primary message of this movement. Each of us is a master in the becoming; each of us has both a voice and message to give as we are becoming adepts of spiritual light.
127. Intrinsic within I AM THAT I AM is divine beingness. This is the nature of all that is. This is who you are right now.
Lady Kristine comments that if we just say the words “I Am” without entering into those words and becoming that principle of light, of Being, then we are missing the boat. “Let’s not miss the boat but be who we are right now in grace, in God.”
128. Accommodating the lesser self has been the bane of mankind. Making room for the Spirit’s habitation within is the boon for all who would know the Beloved.
“We want the boon and not the bane. We want God living, vibrating within us, existing as cosmic reality where we are. Let us no longer accommodate the lesser self, but fully accommodate, make room for, invite into our home (our inner temple) our Beloved, our I AM Presence.”
129. Grace sets the dinnerware and offers the meal at each table but is often ignored once the repast has begun. Cherish her holy offering in every morsel.
This is an analogy of our spiritual path. At the beginning we receive great grace and joy, and then comes the work of chewing and assimilating the word. This can be a more difficult time, and we sometimes lose faith and the sense of this incredible gift of the teachings. Let us remember to cherish and assimilate this gift from the ascended masters each and every day.
130. Your life may only become profound when grace is first uncovered and then proffered to all.
We have to give what we have received. If we are not giving the grace we have received then we are missing the mark. “The “pro” in profound must become the proffered gift; the “ found” is the uncovering of this grace first received, then once we have assimilated it, we proffer it to others."