070926 Kuan Yin
Beloved Avalokitesvara Kuan Yin Performs a Clearance
For Heartfriends within the Earth
During the playing of the meditation music before her dictation Avalokitesvara cleared from heartfriends "that which our souls have released as the dust of the ages." A new day is here. And she asks us to look to that horizon to view the preparations of the Divine Mother as a "banquet of light" for us. She tells us that the "fruits of the Spirit" are ours as we enjoy her nurturing meal, this gift from her heart. It does not matter that some would deter us from this bounty. Instead, we are to invite them to the table so carefully prepared for us. As we enjoy this feast of the Divine Mother, we receive more of the ability to keep our attention on the Lord who sees us able to assimilate all that we need from her meal to realize our Buddha nature.
"I have come in answer to your calls." Beloved Avalokitesvara asks us to receive mercy from her heart. She comes today because of our calls for the monks and nuns in Burma whom she greatly loves, holding them in her embrace. "In compassion they will see the dawn of freedom. Without compassion none can know the light of that freedom." She tells us to be compassionate and merciful in all things. She tells us to "be complete in the lotus of my love." Avalokitesvara places "dewdrops of mercy" within our dining bowls, describing them as the "teardrops of the Buddha whose compassion for you, each one, still sings." She desires that we hear his song and remember "that oneness in God always."
Avalokitesvara performs magnificent mudras throughout the meditation song. After Avalokitesvara's HeartStream David shares with those on the broadcast that throughout the meditation song she performed the most beautiful mudras through him. These mudras were facilitating the extraction of negative energies from us and the planet itself. It was a cosmic clearance. He explains that sometimes clearances do not come with the thunder and the lightning but with great delicacy. This gentle yet powerful clearance was Kuan Yin's gift to us today.