071008 Victory
Town Hall Meeting
The Town Hall Meeting was held at the Sunday service on October 7, 2007. At the beginning of this meeting, ninety-three people had come forward to fulfill Portia’s request for one hundred certain souls to take their stand for the support of the Wellspring property. Towards the end of the service, we received the joyous news that more than one hundred had come forward and Beloved Victory came to set his seal upon this victory!
When Victory Comes to Set the Seal of Light Upon an Endeavor it Simply Cannot Fail!
“I, Victory, come to set my seal of a cosmic “V” upon your intention and your stand for this property, blessed ones. The Karmic Board has heard your intent and seen the physicality of your givingness and thus I come to anchor the light of Victory for this project and also for the pilgrimage. And though, I often come at the end of the cycles, this day I choose to come at the initiation of cycles. [clapping] And I announce to you that the Karmic Board, even before the money is physically received in Livingston, Montana, has answered. And there is by dispensation a quantity of light vouchsafed unto this movement whereby there will be the magnification of your abundance, blessed hearts.
The Master then said, “When Victory comes, to set the seal of light upon an endeavor, it simply cannot fail, blessed ones, it will prevail because God is behind it, God is ahead of it, God is beside it, God is at the center of its action. Only God can sustain the light of this economy, only God can keep afloat that which you have seen, which at times has been most unstable. God in the center of all is the light of victory and will sustain it but without God nothing can stand. Therefore, put God, put the light, put your intention at the very center of all that you do, all that you are, all that you give and in that givingness God will sustain that which you by intention focus [on].”
Victory added, “My angels are now paving this sacred highway of light for many more souls to find this activity. They will find it through the website, they will find it through many of you heart to heart, they will find it through your prayers. For by intention, my angels will take the light that you release and that flows through you and use it to tap one or another upon the shoulder to go here or there to see a poster, or to tune in and do a search on google to find something of higher truth.”
Beloved Victory then sealed us all with the “laurel wreath of victory which I have turned gold this day by your words of fire. So be it oh God. These have spoken. Hear them and answer. Amen.”
You may listen to the replay of the Sunday service (including Victory's dictation) or morning Rosary by clicking on the Broadcast/Audio button on the menu to your left and then clicking replay.