Be the Builders for a New Solar Civilization!
Godfre and Lotus come today, the last day of the vigil, to add their momentum to the stripping action of the light that has taken place in the fiery sessions of Astrea decrees during these past 21 days. When a planet comes into conformity with what God envisions, the momentum of godly energies that can be invoked and manifested are tremendous.
“You have seen what students of I Am activity have accomplished in the way of safeguarding the freedoms of this nation in times of peril. In this hour, at a certain level, there is even greater peril to the evolutions of this nation and every nation…there is a very subtle force that has made inroads into the very foundations of society, in the education, in the government, in the economy, in healthcare such that if these trends continue those who have no good in their hearts would work toward the very subjugation of your soul for their purposes. Thus we enter the scene through our chelas. New solar civilizations …will come to be because you have built them in your own consciousness of acceptance of these love-wisdom fires of a new civilization. Thus, you are the builders. You are those who are setting forth the word, which when empowered by the totality of the I Am That I Am which you truly are, then we may manifest tangibly in your world”
You are only limited by your consciousness, by what you can see and then make real…
Godfre admonishes us to be obedient to the laws of love, wisdom, and power within in order for vision to flow, in order for God to empower our words and works with the reality we seek. “Look deep within to see where you may have gotten off the path of oneness with your Solar God Presence. Seek ways and means in your life to set the sail in your schedule, in your daily work so you can take full accounting of what must be changed….reestablish the course, consciously, within your life. If you’re not happy with your work, do something about it. Do not blame someone else in society for what you have not manifested in your world. You are only limited by your consciousness, by what you can see and then make real by taking action, action, action!”
Determine to be at the Freedom Conference for the coming of Alpha!
Just as in the I Am activity, where the summer conclaves were essential for the holding of the balance for America and the earth, we are shown the great importance of this event. “If you would safeguard this nation with us, then make the call, give the fiat, roar with Lanello, and be for El Morya shock troops that will conquer all dakness that has inveigled itself within this nation….Go forth now and slay the goliath of the nephilim gods.”
Take to heart the words of the master alchemist in loving yourself as you love God. “For only when you know yourself as God will you truly love yourself as God loves you, blessed ones. This is my message this day. I hurl the challenge unto you and your soul to come up higher where we are now.”