K-17 Wraps Us in His Cloak and Goads Us to Rise into Our Mastery!
K-17 comes to add his encouragement, his momentum of spiritual fire to the new impetus we are now experiencing since Lanello’s coming yesterday. He explains that the ascended masters “build upon each other’s release of cosmic radiance” and wants us to understand that the Great White Brotherhood is truly one Spirit, every ascended master a part of this “sacred confraternity”. This glorious Brotherhood has “always moved within the secret spheres of the higher worlds to accomplish feats of God-magnificence and of lasting joy in serving the more noble needs of mankind”.
The dark night brings us into the brilliant shining of God’s love. K-17 acknowledges that we desire to constantly experience God’s Presence in us and flowing through us. And when we don’t experience this, we wonder what is wrong. Why do we feel cut off? This dark night, K-17 explains, is for the pruning from us of all that “cannot live within the full daylight-shining of God’s love”. What is it that has allowed us to become accustomed to living outside of God? The dark night is the time to surrender those conditions into Love’s immortal fire. And he wants us to know that we will cycle out of the dark night experience by using “our higher spiritual faculties and choosing to glorify God in every moment of our lives”.
Be victorious over the world of maya. K-17 tells us how important it was for him to conquer his lower self especially since it was his chosen work to be the witness of the dark side of humanity. If he hadn’t conquered himself and his lower nature, he could never be able to enter into the world of man’s density and debauchery, meeting head-on the illusory momentums that could, if allowed, deter the forward spiritual movement of many souls on earth. This is why we have been taught most recently by Saint Germain to love our darker selves. It does not mean that we recreate this inner darkness but that we see it for what it really is—“the misqualification of God’s energy”. And by accepting our true nature and knowing our true potential in God, we are able to get to the “core of that darkness once and for all” and separate out from it all that is God.
Find the pathway back to the Interior Light. There is more than one inner chamber of the heart, K-17 reveals. As we enter the inner chambers, we must be able to find our “pathway back to the Interior Light that God has hidden for no man to know except he who would become God fully once more”. It is the allegory of
To be or not to be! K-17 speaks of the importance of the heart/mind, love/wisdom connection. It means that our love for God grows proportionately with the wise choices we have made. We are exercising both devotion and wisdom. “The path may be boiled down to this: the choice to be or not to be the light in all manifestation ever and always”. Saint Germain understood this. From this “point of perfect gnosis, he acts in and as God as the cosmic alchemist that he is because he believes fully in the God-potential within”. This is our goal.
In closing, K-17 goads us to come up higher even if it means experiencing the dark night so that we may get beyond all that is not God. He seals us “in the sacred cloak of light” that will allow us to peer into the world of the reality of God’s being. “Invictus!” K-17 exclaims. “We are One!”