Beloved El Morya came this morning with a "plea for those who can do something about the situation" within our nation and government of the United States. That "something" is to be "anchor points for the light of Sirius and for God-government in the Earth," first by governing our own energies and the flow of sacred fire through our chakras and by being willing to be in the heart of the will of God. Then we may become spokespersons for the brotherhood not only in the physical but at all levels of being. "What does this mean to be a spokesperson, blessed ones? It means to be the very voice of truth where you are and where you stand. When truth, as an aspect of the will, does go forth through your voice, through your mind and through a willing action to be that which God is in manifestation, then the Lord himself comes unto you and uses you in a very directed way toward the fulfillment of holy purpose in many arenas."
El Morya said, "God-government must first be within the self. "When you have the blueprint of self manifesting through your conscious awareness in your life, then and only then can you expect God-government to reign at all quarters in your society. For that which you require of others, even within the national government, you must first be the power point for the light of Sirius to be anchored within the self."
El Morya explained that the purpose of the decree I AM the One is so that each one of us, as we stand in El Morya's aura and fire could "receive the full empowerment and the divine resources" to be able to deliver to the world our own "beingness as God-created ones."
Together We May Be There for the Coming of Alpha to the Earth
Regarding the summer conference he said that we have "less than three fortnights to fully lay the foundation for the coming of the Great Lord to this earth." He asked what each one of us would sacrifice and lay on the altar, in order that beloved Alpha may come and blaze his great light to our earth and galaxy "to sustain the point of contact with the Sun behind the sun of the first cause." We are each asked "to take stock of all that transpires in your world on a daily basis, how you use your time, your energies, and the frequencies from your presence sent forth through your crystal cord unto you. Garner the energies of the spirit within the focal points of your chakras and use the energy that you receive daily, wisely through right choice, through right action, through right communication and through a path of wholeness in joy within the will of God."
Beloved El Morya reminded us of the importance of harmony and unity in our Hearts' centers for the coming of Alpha. "For those of you who know of his appearance the responsibility is greater for the focalization of the New Blue energies from the heart of God in a way that befits the coming of this great one to the Earth."
"Therefore enter into a self-assessment before the hour of summer solstice (June 21), for even now blessed ones, the initiations of personal and planetary God-government are being released in spirals and cycles, and lest you trip and fall when entering into these tests of the spirit, I come this day to give you both a warning and an impetus of fire from my heart and from the will of God that I focus through the crystal of my diamond heart unto each one of you, for the victory of your soul, your spirit and your path.
"I AM El Morya. I am ever present with those who are determined that this dispensation shall succeed in all ways by right effort, by focus and by love of the will of God. I thank you for your energies, your determination and your spirit of victory. Bless you, O hearts of fire for being there for me so that together we may be there for Alpha. Invictus, forward in victory!"