You Too Can Lay Down your Life Again and Again in the Fullness of the Spirit Which Lives Within You
This morning we heard a beautiful dictation that Mother Mary had given on Memorial Day, May 30, 2005. David Lewis read it to us in the spirit in which he had received it as a written dictation on that day. “Your day of remembering those who have laid down their lives on behalf of others is a most poignant one, and so I take this opportunity to address you in this regard.” In reference to her son’s great sacrifice on our behalf, she tells us that we do not need to lay down our life, physically, but that those who have learned the art of surrender of the lesser self in order to abide within the greater light of God’s reality have always been blessed thereby. “For in the giving process, the giver is always spiritually recompensed more than the one to whom the proffered gift is given. And the gifts and graces that you earn are those spiritual boons whereby you become a greater chalice for the heavenly fire to descend and to resonate within your being, all for a holy purpose….. As you, too, choose to make right choices, you are setting a strong example for your progeny, your community and for all lightbearers, that the victory can be won through a daily offering of one's self on the altar of ruby love.”
Continuing, Mary says, “Remembering the great sacrifices of those who have gone before us is necessary to propel us forward toward a greater surrender ourselves. For when we see the great examples of supreme selflessness wherein some have literally been crucified in the flesh for others' sake, you see the same outflow of spiritual radiation that is both the judgment of those who would destroy God in manifestation and the setting forth of a physical record of that sacrifice whereby elemental and angelic beings take note and draw forth a floral remembrance in the etheric plane so that that love is made a permanent record in akasha for all to know and feel at a soul level.”
“So, do not underestimate the power and the glory that will come through your personal delivery to the world of a holy and sacred offering of your life and service on the altar of humanity, beloved ones. Each heart-felt prayer that you utter, each rosary that you give with full loving intent, each act of charity and compassion, is recorded by angels of mercy who will write upon not only the akashic records but upon the auric emanation of your causal body of light, the fullness of each gift from your soul.”
Tenderly, Mother Mary shares her love for us: “I love you with a personal love that can be your boon to inspire you to keep striving and working daily to become a handmaid of the Lord in your own right. Won't you give with me today that sacred prayer that I offered when beloved Gabriel appeared to me to announce the imminent birth of beloved Jesus? For when you know that God is magnifying your soul daily, you shall have that spiritual impetus that you need to win all the way home and to give the supreme gift of self so that others may also win.” Following the dictation we did give the prayer, The Magnificat, together, with our beloved Mother Mary.