Beloved Mother Mary
Beloved Mother Mary brought us introspection on this first day of May, her day. She began by focusing a crystal within our hearts to bring us to a heightened awareness of God’s presence with us always. She reminded us that we are more than just these four lower bodies and took us on a journey within, deep, deep within the inner recesses of our soul. She said for us to see our soul as a beautiful rose in the “particular shades and hues that are meaningful to you as a conscious ones.” As the petals of this rose open and we are able to enter the very center, then we may feel the “wafting spirit of God’s presence”and we may know all wisdom, all truth, and all being.
Mother Mary said “Through the purity of your own souls yearning and striving for the blessedness and grace of that divine union, I draw you deeper into the very heart of the beloved. Hear the whisperings of the Lord’s love for you as you gain entrĂ©e to the inner chamber where only love is manifest.”
“It is almost as if God, as a honey bee comes to drink of the essence of who you are as He returns to the sacred honeycomb, the womb of the divine Mother. And yet in the very alchemy of this partaking of His own children’s essence, what is left for you as a flower of the divine, is greater for His coming. For there is the merging of spirit and matter within the womb of your soul and what is born within you is truly the Christ essence, the Buddhic emanation of that God reality that you truly are.”Our beloved Mother concluded with a song of light as she lifted our burdens of darkness and placed a gift of roses at our feet.
I AM the Miracle Light of Violet Fire
A fiery Saint Germain came this morning on the anniversary of his ascension day.“Blessed Ones, I take you into the Cave of Symbols this morning, and with approval of the Great Divine Director, I desire to perform an alchemical experiment with you.”Saint Germain said that this experiment would establish a permanent God magnet within each one’s soul for the retrieval of certain soul parts, which had been lost through past misuses of the sacred fire.
He explained that this cosmic magnet can be visualized and maintained day by day as we give violet flame prayers and songs. This magnet is in the shape of a six pointed star in seven dimensions of being and we must each perceive how this sacred geometric manifestation as a talisman of sacred fire within us maybe utilized in our spiritual work and service to life. Saint Germain continued “Thus you may also visualize this cosmic talisman deep within the earth body. And simultaneous with the magnetization of cosmic light rays from far off worlds, there is the consuming of the cause and core of that which manifested as the perversion whereby these soul parts were lost and a streaming forth into the atmosphere of the earth of the secret rays coalesced as cosmic manifestations of this great transmutative eraser which will consume on contact great quantities of darkness, pollution, injustices and records of war and the spilling of blood across the earth.
“For it is time blessed ones, that vibrating within the very sphere of the earth which includes its atmosphere are great cosmic reservoirs of this violet energy and through your conscious cooperation, it may be so this day and every day that you partake of the sacred alchemy that we perform together now. By an action of light and dispensation granted unto me this day, on my Ascension Day, I Saint Germain, call forth great cosmic light rays from out the Great Central Sun to the Earth itself. Blaze forth now the violet light throughout the atmosphere of the earth and the atmosphere of the souls of all those here physically present and all those participating on this broadcast.” Beloved Saint Germain concluded with “This is my prayer, this is the alchemy of love that I share with all this day, Amen.”