07/05/02 Gautama Wesak Address

On This Day of Wesak Beloved Gautama Releases Powerful Spirals of Love/Wisdom
and Waves of Peace, Peace, Peace

Our beloved Gautama releases a spiral, a coil of love/wisdom fire from the center of the earth rising from the center of the Himalayas, swirling across the earth. This cosmic vortex of light consumes the jaded concepts of mankind. Gautama asks for illumination’s fire to rise within us and that the glow within our crown supplant all anti-wisdom light.

Gautama commands peace to be where he is and to flow within the solar plexus of the earth and in all who seek peace—the peace of God. He asks us to resonate with him in the center of Oneness. “Peace. Be still,” he commands. Attuning to the perfect threefold emanation within, we are to see ourselves within the lotus of love. If we feel the burdens of our earthly living, he invites us to enter the lotus of his heart for surcease. He again invokes peace. Peace flows through us now in resonance with his gracious heart as together we establish peace here, there and everywhere.

As we see the waves of reality coming, we are to know that only God is real where we are. Return currents of man’s karma unmove us. He asks us to touch the ground in the earth-touching mudra and say with him, “Vajra!” Nothing can stand in the light of day of the Almighty where we are, he reminds. The new day appearing here through us is such that those who look for illumination may find it in our own witness to the reality of that light residing in us. Peace. Be still, O darkness, O maya, O soul, O lover of God and know who I am within.

Hear David Lewis on the Universal Truths Radio Show Today, May 2nd!

At 8:00 p.m. EDT, tune in to channel WVOX, 1460 on your AM dial , broadcasting to New York City and surrounding areas to hear David Lewis discuss personal and planetary relationships. How do I find that perfect someone? How can I create a lasting and positive relationship with that special one? How does the way I relate to a soul mate, a family member, a friend and especially myself influence more than just my personal world? Don’t miss tonight’s broadcast as host, Raphael Fitch, interviews spiritual teacher, David Lewis, on this singularly important topic for personal and world transformation. If you do not live in the broadcast area, listen online by going to www.wvox.com.