07/05/12 El Morya

A Mother’s Day Weekend in Houston with the Messenger David C. Lewis
"A Floral bouquet from Heaven to Hearts Afire for God!"

A beautiful and intimate event is taking place in Houston, Texas this weekend. For those not physically able to be in Houston, the entire event is being broadcast over the internet. This morning begins with the Rosary of Faith and continues throughout the day with an afternoon darshan with Mother Mary and a prayer service and dictation from beloved Saint Germain this evening. Tomorrow morning’s rosary service will include dictations from both Mother Mary and Jesus and will conclude in the afternoon with a dictation sealing the weekend. You can view more details of this weekend’s program by clicking on the "Event" button on the top, left side of this webpage.

Please note that beginning at 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. MDT there will be broadcast on Channel 2 a fiery clearance for Europe led by heartfriends in Sweden. All are invited to join them. You can then switch over to Channel 1 to participate again with the event in Houston.

Attaining Your Permanent Fix Within God’s Will!

Last night’s session was a message of comfort and illumination from beloved El Morya, addressing many of the concerns of long-time students and students new to the ascended masters, with the desire to give them each one “something of an understanding of truth for the benevolence of your soul.” El Morya explained that the ascended masters are about the business of “higher education, and that not only for the betterment of the human condition, but so that the divine light may be experienced by all who seek it’s radiance to be where they are.”

Of great concern to El Morya, is that all know that above most of us there glows a most beautiful manifestation of our own God-self that has the ability to be a never-ending source of spiritual nourishment and upliftment. “Yet most of mankind, believing that they are separate from God’s being, have never fully accessed the eternal rays of light that constantly flow unto them in both an impersonal and personal way, because they have lost touch with their God-source through all manner of human manifestations of the shadow self.”

And, this is why El Morya came last night, “to clear the way for the full-realization within you of the highest elements of your Godhood, and this by focusing the laser action of the first ray into and around each of your chakras and throughout your aura to highlight what which is still of the light within you.”

When we have accepted our divine estate and begin to “more fully resonate with your God-reality, then through that realignment with holy purpose, the flow of all good things into your world will be stepped up until you can scarcely receive the cornucopia of light that the Lord would deliver to you.”

El Morya, standing in the first ray of the dawning of divine joy within us, ended his dictation, with words of love “I am here for you always . . .”