Understand the Deeper, Inner Mysteries of the Christ
Beloved Jesus comes this blessed Omri-Tas’ day to share that within this movement of The Hearts Center, he and many ascended masters under the auspices of his guru Lord Maitreya, are forming a mystery school as a continuation of that which was established during Jesus’ mission in what is now called the Holy Land. That which Jesus conveyed during his ministry in the Middle East, and what he conveys now allows many more to come into the “sure knowledge and understanding of their own reality as sons and daughters of God, and not simply as servants or as lesser beings.” When we “understand that the beloved disciple as a John or as a Magdalene or as a Lazarus may truly be yourself then you too, may enter into the very heart of the teacher and the master, receiving the direct transfusion of the light essence of his being which comes through his guru and initiator and mentor.” This is symbolic of the preparation the soul needs for her final ascent unto the altar of the most High God.
A Sacred Jeweled Box is placed within Our Soul
Jesus placed within our soul a tiny, sacred jeweled box containing the essence of the Balm of Gilead and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Contained within this little box “is the distilled essence of these three [gold, frankincense and myrrh] which will culminate in your own full Christhood and empowerment as you employ them day by day in your rituals, prayer services, in your darshan experiences, in the sharing of your very self with others in service to their souls.” Jesus then taught of the analogy of that which the Three Wise Men delivered to him when he was a little child, saying that there was significance in not only the physicality of these gifts, but also in the conveyance of an initiation to his soul through the symbolism of the three gifts.
Jesus Invites Us to Study in His Retreat for Thirty-three Days
The mystery of the Christ that Jesus conveys could fill volumes of teachings. Jesus invites us for the next thirty-three days to attend in our finer bodies, nightly classes in his etheric retreat over the
Claim your Full Beingness as the Christ
Jesus reminds us to have patience with ourselves, for God is very patient and has waited long for our return as a prodigal one to his heart. “There is an end to the suffering of the human and the appearance of the divine within you . . . You will not always abide in fleshly bodies whereby you do not fully understand the totality of your God-being. Know the love of the lord for you and feel that joy spirit welling up within each morn as through cosmic expectancy you can do those greater works of which I spoke, and which I now command you to do in my name and in the name of Mary, Magda, Saint Germain and Portia. For the Holy Family may be where you are even as all devotees of the Spirit are truly of one family, of one bloodline and that being the light of the Christ.