Come Fly with Me Today!
The beloved Maha Chohan commands the angels of the Holy Spirit to create a cosmic Mercaba around each of us.
A cosmic crossroad. Many of us are coming to a point in our evolution where we must decide to be or not to be that light. The Maha Chohan asks, “Will you be all that you are even now in God’s eyes?” And he alerts us that even if we may answer without hesitation, yes, the proof will be our desire, our will to emanate and concentrate daily upon the consciousness of God.
Enter Reality and fly! The Maha Chohan reveals that seeing and living in Reality is still illusive to most on earth. If we will let go of all that has clouded our crystal vision, then we will begin to understand Reality, our higher nature and the ability to fly with the Maha Chohan. The Holy Spirit moves wherever it desires. It is purposely unpredictable, constantly surprising us, shaking us out of our comfortability and rigidity. Where the Maha Chohan moves, where he comes and goes, only the Lord of Light knows. And we will know his comings and goings within us when we are attuned to Reality.
Always, love is the key and the way, he says in closing. When we lead with love, we are the instrument of the Maha Chohan. As his benediction, we experience his holy fire breath upon us in loving whispers, “Parusha! Parusha! Parusha!”
Teachings from the Maha Chohan on This Day of Pentecost
1. The “living, liquid crystal diamond of light” is the Holy Spirit.
2. All masters and teachers who ever walked the earth have been filled with the Holy Spirit.
3. The knowledge of these higher crystalline frequencies or energy patterns were Upper Room teachings given by Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.
4. When we access these frequencies, our prayers and calls take on power—no longer are they the mere uttering of words.
5. When we are in harmony with one another in this holy atmosphere, great cosmic energies may enter the earth through our oneness—this is the“being in one place and in one accord”.
6. This new laser action of light can dissolve the greatest density on earth. In the twinkling of an eye, transformation can occur.
7. What is this twinkling? It is the attunement allowing us to be at the “nexus of cosmic change”—a cosmic consciousness which precipitates change instantaneously.
8. Cosmic consciousness happens when we believe that it is doable.
9. Allow your crystal cord to stream with this liquid light and anchor these frequencies in our world.
10. Before we may expect the conversion of others, we must have the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. No conversion occurs without it.
11. When Jesus taught about “turning the other cheek”, this act, in reality, is the “turning”, or changing by the power of transmutation, of the negativity directed toward us from others into light. We accept the energy, transmute the overlay of negativity and return it to the source as God’s pure love.
12. See the Holy Spirit as a ray of light, an energy field, allowing for divine inspiration to speak, pray and sing through you. It is the voice of God.
13. We may refer to the Holy Spirit simply as “Love” and commune in this manner: “Oh, Love, be where I am.” “Oh, Love, thank you for the beauty of nature.”
14. The Hearts Center is a movement of the Holy Spirit, an activity of the Holy Spirit.
15. Every day of our lives can be a walk with the exciting and dynamic Presence of the Holy Spirit.