080330 El Morya

Who Is God?

Many have attempted to answer the question, “Who is God?” And perhaps none have succeeded as thoroughly as El Morya in his poetic discourse this morning:

“God is the Source, the Creator, the Originator. God is the Undifferentiated, the Unmanifest, the Unnamed, the Essence of all Suchness. As the Sun behind the Sun God is the Great Emanator. God is complete Beingness. God is Presence. God is The One.

“God is Omnipresence, Omniscience and Omnipotence.

“God is You. God is Me. God is Us. God is We.

“God is the fun way, the simple path, the silly within the Sublime, the sublime within the Divine.

“God is the preciousness of each person, the core and the reality of each one’s being. God is the revered and that which is adorable within the reverence expressed, the believable, the lovable, the livable within each one. God is the completeness of all aspects of Selfhood, the jewel in the diamond within the lotus, the full flowering of all qualities and virtues of Life.”

Through these and all the answers El Morya gives us, we marvel at his compassionate heart and incredibly astute, Mercurian mind. And we are enfolded in his love as he asks us, “Would you be God this day? Would you be a new creature, an expression of the Allness of that One? As you express the Word let God be within you. I am El Morya. This is my message. I Am Real and God is where I Am.”