07/04/19 Radio Show with Mother Mary

Mother Mary Spreads her Wings Over Virginia and New York

Mother Mary gave a darshan through the messenger, David Lewis last night through the 500 watt radio waves of the WVOX radio station in New Rochelle, New York. Mother Mary led the listeners in a guided meditation in which she spread her wings over Virginia and prayed for the healing of the schism and pain of all those affected by the recent mass murder at Virginia Tech. Mother Mary placed her presence over New York City, and enveloping all of its inhabitants in her healing mercy and love for the healing of all remaining pain and suffering associated with the events of the 9/11 attacks. Mother Mary asked for a ring of emerald fire to surround the earth.

She was then available to answer three questions from the listeners, including the initiating of a healing for one of the callers.

During the radio interview with Raphael Fitch over the phone tonight Mother Mary led us in a guided meditation in which she spread her wings over Virginia and New york and prayed for the healing of the schism and pain of all those affected by the recent mass murder at Virginia Tech. She then answered three questions from callers (all Hearts Center folks), including initiating a healing for a heartfriend and telling him the cause of his back pain. She then placed her presence over New York City to envelop all the inhabitants in her healing mercy and love, also healing pain and suffering associated with the events of the 9/11/2001 attacks. It was pretty monumental for both Virginia and New York.