06/11/11 Micah

* * * Today, Veteran’s Day, Beloved Micah calling for cooperation, truth, and unity, anchored his banner permanently in the council chambers of both the Senate and House of Representatives as a reminder to all there to move towards the higher goal of delivering to this land a new way of opportunity for freedom to exist. * * * * * *David asks that everyone listen to both Micah and Godfre’s dictations (they are both available as recent replays on the Broadcast/Audio page). The masters would like everyone who can to be physically present for our weekend event in Washington D.C. at the end of January, for God will use each one to anchor a mighty light. * * * * * * Everyone is encouraged to watch the movie The Secret before tomorrow or after tomorrow's Sunday’s service. Go to http://thesecret.tv/home.html to view the movie on your computer screen. We will have a shortened service tomorrow, so everyone can take the time to watch and discuss The Secret and how to apply it in your own life, in your local Hearts Center, in the world. * * *