There Is No Other Place To Live Than On The Edge
This morning we had a timely replay of a dictation from El Morya dated November 21, 2006. He said he had come to anchor the action of the blue ray for the sealing of the holy space at the Wellspring Retreat.
"I am about my Father's business, and I see that many of you have caught the flame and desire to work with my guru Hercules to fulfill that which this Hearts Center movement is all about." He said many had sacrificed time, resources and supply, for the laying of a foundation and so had allowed a "greater influx of light into the planetary body itself than many could have imagined even just a few short months or years ago. Some had lost the edge to their spiritual work and in their lives. And a number of you have now gained again that edge whereby there is meaning every morning to your rising, to your word, to your work."
"As one said recently, there is no other place to live than on the edge. For through that razor, diamond-shining mind of God that impresses the next, best step in your work and service, and through attunement with the mind of God, much can be accomplished; and the plans of the Brotherhood may move forward, blessed ones."
He said he had come with a plea once more to some souls "who have been on the periphery of this movement and to some who have not even had the guts to check it out who think that they are my students or chelas." Beloved El Morya explained that the grant of light that the sponsoring masters of the Hearts Center ( El Morya, Lanello, the Great Divine Director, the blessed Mary, Kuthumi, and Mother) received to "initiate this movement is no simple matter. Nor is it to be taken lightly by those of you who also pledged your hearts to us long ago. There is in this hour danger that a certain quotient of those who should have and who could have stepped forward to support this movement could [be lost], tipping the scales toward the nonperformance of that which we had hoped would be secured and completed by this hour, blessed ones. Even the very securing of the property from which I speak in this hour is in danger as some of you know.
"Therefore, I ask each of you to assess your own lifestream, your resources. And though I know personally that many of you have given to the utmost, I suggest that you consider what it is that you may place upon the altar in terms of both your supply and your own personal dedication of time toward the victory of this movement, blessed ones, such that Lanello and I may go to the Karmic Board to secure what we need for the greater expansion that we hope for and that we see as possible."
Then the Master spoke of the Mother of the Flame, saying she "has maintained her presence upon earth simply because there have not been enough of those to whom the mission was entrusted who have garnered the energies of light in their own beings or maintained the constancy on the path such that they could hold that quotient of fire for the planet itself." Because of this, he asked us to hold a greater quotient of fire on behalf of our Mother so that when the time is right, she may take her ascension, and thereby draw many more to the light.
"Therefore, I call all to the altar. And I invite the souls of those who yet retain a tie to me at inner planes to Darjeeling this night. I will show you that which is coming upon the earth, that which the Great White Brotherhood seeks [to accomplish] in order to forestall certain cataclysm, earth changes, wars and natural disasters and that which, step by step, must be done-month by month, year by year-for the remainder of the twelve-year dispensation through these messengers. . ."
Beloved El Morya thanked us for our calls to him and said, "I am very present with those who strive to serve. And though you may not always feel my presence tangibly, yet I am there in manifestation within your heart when you put your hand to the plow, when you utter the sacred word of truth. . . I am with you here and there and everywhere with Lanello. Come up higher, each and every one of you, and know God's eternal fire blazing within you today. I thank you."
During the first portion of our recent Sunday Darshan, the Messenger reviewed an important teaching on alchemy that Saint Germain had given the day before. It was about the importance of emanating through our heart chakras to draw down the raw substance of alchemy within our own consciousness. When a matrix is held of "not having enough" we are playing into the lie of the not-self. We are accountable to hold the perfect thought and take action to put plans in motion in the physical. This brings the light of our God-Self into this dimension to manifest as we visualize. Then the darshan began with Jesus asking us to repeat these affirmations after him:
I AM the way of perfect love.
The glory of God shines through me always.
I AM a light to this entire planetary body.
All sentient beings feel the awareness of who I AM as God.
I am the nothing so that God can be the Allness through me.
I AM (2x)
Wondering whether the 10001 avatars, the 9 Buddhas, the Holy Christ children are fulfilling their destiny?
Jesus immediately asked this chela if he is fulfilling his divine destiny, mission and calling. He pointed out that asking these things about another is in a sense putting the responsibility upon others that which each one, one with God, is accountable for. He urged the chela to look within to see what aspects of his own solar consciousness are not yet fully in play. "You can be an avatar, a Holy Christ child, a Buddha. What is keeping you from being any and all of these now?" Jesus answered his own question by saying that it was his own state of consciousness, his acceptance and his constancy in emanating these qualities. He pointed out that looking to others or to a future state of attainment is a copout. "Looking to something outside of yourself, even messengers or ascended masters is, in a sense, also a copout. He was adjured to attune to his divine sonship and be fully present, aware, conscious, awake and living in the now.
And the simple more literal answer to this question was that some of those referenced are fulfilling their destinies, many of them the chela knows, some are in this activity and some have left off of the full plan as outlined by the Solar Lords before they embodied.