070913 Ray-O-Light
Cosmic Surgery to Remove Shards of Darkness in Our Chelas
Continue Moving in the Stream of Oneness in Community to the Victory
Ray-O-Light, the God of Fearlessness came this morning as a cosmic surgeon to extract from us certain toxic elements that have manifested as fear in our worlds. Concerned that this has caused a level of immobility, inflexibility and a certain “malaise upon the land and in the hearts of men who tremble for fear at what may come upon them and upon the earth,” Ray-O-Light gives the antidote as each one as having the “God-sense to dwell in the very presence” of our own inner light of the God-flame within, for then we would never fear what may come. “For being centered in the reality of God Self-awareness there is no cause for fear, for the only cause is God.”
Some of this anxiety and fear is a result of reading the internet and then thinking “that every word that some one or another has written is completely true,” and whether we believe the words or not, still allowing in a certain consciousness of fatality and fanaticism. So Ray-O-Light strips from us certain veils of illusion that have allowed each of us at times to rely too much upon the ideas of the media commentators—who themselves may not be balanced in body, mind and soul—instead of first looking to our Higher Self for guidance.
The Fearless Life
“Understanding your own Buddha Nature and the Christic patterns that flow as light essences through you, you can and will come to terms with that which God invested in His creation in the beginning. And it is simply this, blessed ones—to be fearless in moving through the stream of God’s consciousness anywhere and everywhere; to perceive with great understanding all that is; to be aware and conscious in the moment; to learn the lessons of the great schoolroom of life; to appreciate all that is; and to know with a depth of cosmic knowingness that through love, life and the pursuit of God-freedom all may come to the understanding of the All-in-all within the creation.”
“O God of Fearlessness, Ray-O-Light, stream forth your consciousness now
and save souls caught in the astral sea of illusion!”
When we give voice to even a simple fiat such as this, then thousands of the legions of Ray-O-Light “release the sacred fire to shatter the bonds of darkness and of fear that keep souls locked into a lifestream of darkness. . . .And then once the shackles have been removed and the souls of these guided toward the light we return to the very point from which the word was uttered through you to bring our radiance and to revivify you with the essence of our staunch stand for God-good everywhere. Thus, on the return current of God self-mastery which overcomes all fear through love you receive that impetus of fire whereby you may continue to step unerringly upward, blessed ones.
“Every prayer that you say with intention, every meditation that you partake of in discernment—aided and abetted by the angels’ ministrations—move you higher into realms of the tranquility of peace and of the light of the Holy City where there is no fear, but only love.”