070907 Leo Hearth - Saint Germain's Day
The Leonine Roar of Light
The recently ascended master, Leo Hearth, imbued us today with the joy of service through prayer and an appreciation for the work our sessions accomplish. Speaking of the import of holy prayer, he said that the great streams of light, which emanate from our hearts during prayers, devotions and songs, are observed and used by the ascended masters to raise the consciousness of mankind at all levels. As sacred inroads of light are created, especially with the violet light, souls are able to ascend to receive instruction in the retreats. This in turn makes them more readily amiable to the words of wisdom that the ascended masters impress upon us when we interact with these souls in our heartreach efforts.
When we activate the violet laser light by the action of the secret rays, we have resources and crystalline energies as liquid divine essence which may bring about miracles upon earth for the shift in consciousness that is required. What we can visualize and see in our collective mind’s eye can be real. By understanding the science of divine alchemy and by employing it day by day, there is a streaming from ascended octaves; and the synergy of our work together creates a beautiful mandala from the mind of God. If we could truly see the miracle occurring at higher levels of awareness when we surrender and allow the secret rays to flow through us, he said we ‘would not miss a session.”
“Truly God is great; and when you ascend, you will understand how important is this sacred service that you are about.” Through more attention upon the Presence, we may activate these frequencies throughout the earth wherever we walk. Because the Great White Brotherhood seeks those who would grow in understanding of the spiritual world, they must work through those whose consciousness is not stultified in old thinking, which keeps them bound. So each of us must have the key components of open mindedness and open heartedness in order to be willing and able to receive the impressions of the ascended beings given to us moment by moment.
We are meant to become a master Presence on earth today and not simply relegate this to a future time. With conscious cooperation with the Real Self we may come into greater alignment, which will occur by our being one-pointed and living at the apex of consciousness. So as we attend to the voice that speaks within our hearts and are obedient to that which we were sent to earth to fulfill, we can also, in the process, be a joyful one in all things through Christ’s spirit that flows through us.
“I am a roaring lion. And my voice, speaking unto the chelas to Guru Ma, calls them and impels them to the import of the hour.” Greater sacrifice is needed by some for the mission to be fulfilled. “Roar with Lanello each day! Beat your chest!” Thus, his invincible spirit may be ours to claim and use to fulfill the mission and vision of our oneness in God. And as Leo Harth, the roaring lion, thanked us for our spirit, our verve, and for the cosmic virya, truly our joy in daily service was greatly amplified. For this we thank you, Master Leo.
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