Beloved Mother Mary Comes Today
with an Emerald Sword Cleansing Action!
For the purpose of clearing our auras and our entire consciousness of all that is unreal and the negative energies from lifetimes, Mother Mary comes with her emerald sword. She tells us that burdens are not burdens if we live in the aura of gratitude. To know God as love, light and wholeness, we are to welcome the angels of the emerald ray today as they minister to us. They come to heal the hurts, the unreality that we have not desired to release. She says to us, "Receive the emerald-crystal matrix of perfected love-wisdom-power that I bear this day for you."
Mother Mary, Queen of the Angels, is our dearest and most humble servant. Sometimes, instead of speaking to us of "the higher things of the Spirit, I must come to clean you up even as a mother lion does lick her cubs". She performs this sword action as queen of the angels but is quick to tell us that a true queen does not dominate her subjects but is the servant of each citizen of her kingdom, raising each one up in nobility and holiness. We are not subjects but co-workers in God' kingdom, she reminds.
Beloved Jesus augments the emerald sword's purging action. Beloved Jesus stands "at the right hand of the Father" to deliver sacred fire through the emerald sword to deal with all the matrices of darkness that have been crystallized upon earth through commercialism and distractions of all kinds. The sword shatters the "soot substance" around the gem of our being through Mother Mary's supplication, "Purge them, O Spirit, of the dust and darkness of the ages. Consume the cause and core of error!" She prays that we would release any notion of mortality and accept that we are divine and now living in a "new day consciousness".
Mother Mary promises to join us during the European pilgrimage. As we walk the shores of Crete , Greece and Italy with beloved Hilarion, Mother Mary will be there with us. She reminds us of her own pilgrimage as the Mother of Jesus to areas of France and the British Isles , placing a matrix for her healing presence in the hearts of devotees for thousands of years unto the present. Before she gives her benediction, she again tells us to live in the reality of our Oneness with God, enjoying the Christic experience always.
She embraces us now after she has washed and cleansed us and shined us up! She wants us to keep giving our calls to her through the rosary, not for her glorification but for our own self-elevation. She thanks God for "the prayerful ones". "Keep these in your embrace always. Motivate them by your Spirit until…they have arrived as divine ones home at last" is her parting blessing as she promises her constant, abiding love.