070901 Djwal Kul

Climb with Djwal Kul
to the Apex of Cosmic Awareness in Stillness

An ascended master of the Far East and one of the Three Wise Men, beloved Djwal Kul, came this morning impressing the radiance of his beingness in God upon each of us, and bringing “the refreshment of the Spirit” which comes from our own attunement with “the at-one-ment” with our source. “When you have entered into the sacred space from which the word does emanate through your being, there is the echoing within every avenue of Selfhood and expanding out in concentric rings to include the entire cosmos, the soundless sound who you are in God.”

Understand the Purpose of Our Voice

Djwal Kul reminds us that our voices and our throat chakra are meant to not only be “the emitter of that Word” that we have become, but also to be “as a receptor of the Word of God.” Each of our chakras contains “both the alpha and the omega matrix of light.” Thus, our throat chakra is meant to be both an active portal for the speaking the Word, and a receptive portal, for the receiving of “the impressions from the Source.”
“Thus, in your quietude and in the inbreath, creating the space from which the voice of the Om does emanate, there is that divine polarity of omega which is necessary for you to understand in totality before that word does emanate from your throat.”
We are told that the masters of the Far East “have always advocated a time of silent contemplation from which you may discover secrets of the Word that flow from the very nadir of God’s inbreath. For if you are only in the active mode of sending forth the Word but you do not take that time to be the cosmic receptors of the highest aspect of the Word who God is as your Source, then you may miss a certain aspect of that which the Lord of All does send forth day by day unto each world, each manifestation of himself as consciousness in the world of form.”

Create that Sacred Space within each 30-60 Minute Time of our Services

Djwal Kul recommends that within each of our prayer vigils and morning services, that we take the time for silence every 30-60 minutes, “time to allow this very deep response of Self to the impressions of the divine One to flow unto you.” Through the balancing of the active and receptive moments, then the power of the Word that we may be a focal point for “will have a greater emphasis, balance and activating currents to impress upon the cosmos that which you seek to have accomplished.” We are told that this balance is very important for those of us “ascending the spiral staircase of attainment.” Within our chakras, and within each line of the comic clock that we pass through, there is “the push-pull action of light, the outbreath and the inbreath. . .you will discover the new essences of that which God would give to you in your meditation, in that point of silence, of stillness and cosmic peace.”

Be Fully Aware of All that Transpires Within Our Consciousness

Unless and until we are able to fully dismember the not-self through our “conscious appreciation of the totality” of our being, then Djwal Kul tells us that “it would be better for some to wait to ascend the final bounding steps of the summit trek until their feet were sure, for in the rarified heights, when the winds do blow, and the snows shift in an instant, you must be guarded, you must be fully aware of all that transpires within your consciousness and be ready for what may come.”
Djwal Kul seals his beautiful message to us this morning with the words, “Speak of love, speak of hope, speak of peace within and then listen intently to what the Lord does send in this sacred echoing of that word unto the shores of reality that you have become in sacred silence with me.”