070908 K-17 with Saint Germain
Be Prepared!
With an urgent message for lightbearers throughout the world, Beloved K-17 with Saint Germain came this morning outlining twelve immediate steps that they recommend all take for spiritual and physical preparedness. Along with these recommendations we were also brought the Fearlessness Flame of Ray O’ Light, for “when you are prepared, when you are mobile, when you have the resources by which to live a life dedicated to God, then you are fearless.”
1. Review and take to heart the HeartStream from Lanello given January 1, 2007. (This message can be found on the HeartStreams page of this website.)
2. “Work, work, work to have all within your home and within your community and communities of light that you need for the sustainability and viability of your four-lower bodies to have the maintenance needed to sustain your spiritual path. . .it is up to you to determine what level of preparedness and sustainability you are willing to move heaven and earth to have within your homes, your auras.”
3. To be in a state of the maximum preparedness requires that we be in alignment with our own God Presence, that we be fully prepared in consciousness. For as Saint Germain has said, when we are in the right vibration, we are in the right place.
4. In order to be aware of what is transpiring on the world scene, it is always important to read between the lines of all news reports.
5. During the current vigil to El Morya also call to K-17, Lanello, Saint Germain and Ray O’ Light “to amplify the light within America for the exposure of the plans of those who would subjugate the very souls of all lightbearers if they could.”
6. Read between the lines of all of the dictations delivered during the dispensation of The Hearts Center, for the masters have expressed their concern with the physical reality of our lives and our preparedness at all levels.
7. “Take stock of exactly what you have and what you have received from us [the ascended masters] as recommendation through our Committee on Preparedness and Sustainability to have in your homes.”
8. “Secure at least a three week’s supply of all that you need including batteries and light sources, even shortwave radios, and review the link on the Homepage [of this website] to the Preparedness website.”
9. Move up the Town Hall Meeting to occur tomorrow, to discuss sustainability and preparedness.
10. Review and use the dispensations of light which the masters have released to both sustain the evolutions of life upon the earth as well as to move heaven and earth for the ascended masters.
11. K-17 and Saint Germain request that all heartfriends listen to this message. This entire message can be found on the Broadcast/Audio page as “Current Replay.” It will shortly also be available on the HeartStreams page in both audio and written format.
12. Take action on all fronts “without fear, and with the joy and the self-mastery that puts out all fear. For we are One.”