070904 Buddhas from the Pleiades
We Release the New Winds of Love of Aquarius

      We were blessed this Labor Day morning by the coming of seven Buddhas from the Pleiades."We stabilize the Middle East by the power of peace, as thousands of legions of angels answer your call, surrounding each country in the region," they began. "Truly, blessed ones, though we would answer you call fully, in the dimension in which you live, choices are made by leaders and we may not always mitigate all." The Buddhas urged us to choose our leaders wisely and to know what is happening behind the scenes through attunement with the heart of God. "Place your trust in God and not in man and know that there are cycles and seasons when the karma of souls must be outplayed in order that a new light may manifest."

Maintain Peace within Yourself

     Maintaining peace within ourselves, at all levels, is key for the victory that we seek in the physical, they told us. "We are the Buddhas from out the Pleiades and we come to lend a momentum of fire and we radiate from our crystal beings, through your consciousness, the light that raises this earth into, even for a millisecond in time, higher awareness in God." Moreover, if we become the "truth of self by the gnosis of all within" and allow the Buddha within to emerge fully, its flowering can sustain a world. The Buddhas said also that they "bear the frequencies of cosmic dimensions of solar worlds that some upon earth have felt as a new light wave." They then activated a new portal within our crowns, which we may "ascend through to travel to other systems in consciousness to partake of the light of the Buddhas, the light of the Mother, the light of pure love."

The New Winds of Aquarius

     "Even as we have ingested for transmutation the not-self frequencies of the unconscious ones, spewed across the atmosphere of the earth, so we release the new winds of love of Aquarius. Let these be a wind in your sail toward the fulfillment of holy purpose in living as God self-conscious Buddhas. Our blessing is yours to sustain daily."

      This entire early morning service can be accessed on the broadcast/audio link by clicking on "Previous replay".

A Darshan for the Youth was the Focus of the Sunday Family Service

      Highlights of the Sunday Youth Darshan will be ready for tomorrow's Newsflash. The whole Sunday Family Service with the Darshan can be heard by clicking on "Previous Replay" on the Broadcast/Audio page.
      The invocation of the Messenger given at the beginning of this family service was a special HeartStream and teaching in and of itself...

      "In the name of the Presence of God I AM THAT I AM of each one, we invoke the entire spirit of the Universal Great White Brotherhood here and wherever heartfriends and servitors of fire are gathered in communion with the ascended host. O Holy Spirit, flow now and suffuse each one with your light, your love, in the perfect balance of all of the seven rays, the five secret rays and the qualities of the Holy Spirit that you bear.

     O Great Spirit, overshadow, overshine each one with your radiance and your love. Increase the flow of sacred fire within us that we may be electrodes of light to a world. Through the crystal of our chakras, through the greater crystal of our own higher being, let us refract the light rays from our source in all dimensions and planes of being to all sentient life upon this planet and all systems of worlds.

     As focal points for the ascended masters, through conscious cooperation we send our love, wisdom and power and all that we have attained to in our personal journey across the galaxies to all of our brothers and sisters everywhere. And we say, 'We love you, we raise you, we seal you in the light of God that always prevails!' In the name of the Father, the Mother and the Holy Spirit, let it be so through our word. Amen."