070902 El Morya and Kuthumi

El Morya and Kuthumi Come Early Today

Our early service this morning was conducted by the Messenger. He began by directing an effective meditation and visualization through which devotees were taken to the still silence within, enabling the putting aside of all but the one-pointedness of our reason for being gathered together in service to life. The prayers were point by point focused on the key projects that the Brotherhood has revealed to us as most urgently the needs of the hour. It culminated in prayers to Hercules and El Morya. As “Pomp and Circumstances” was played, a sense of accomplishment was tangibly felt as the music came to its end and the Master Morya began his brief message, “Blessed hearts I AM grateful for the work you have done thus far and I feel the impact of the Word that you are becoming more brightly day by day.”

With his subtle twinkle he said that since we are all one, when we attune to the heart of the master, the master can not help but be attentive to our call. Our oneness as a community is the key to the accomplishment of what the masters are about with this Hearts Center movement. He announced that he wants to see a model used of many hearts, heads and hands focalizing all their energy toward one cause, instead of having our focus dissipated by having too many projects going on at once. We can more fully utilize the science of alchemical precipitation that we know whereby through the lens of our awareness refracted to a central point, the fire and light energy is amplified to a great magnitude. Attunement with the heart and mind of the master coupled with constant mindfulness of all that we have been asked to do can truly enable us to accomplish miracles. Reminding us that our work was sacred, he suggested that we give the prayer to the Maha Chohan, number 30.008 “Come, O Holy Spirit!” as we prepared to receive the words of the blessed Kuthumi who wanted to speak to us further on this subject.

The Master KH began, “Citizens of the Light, I address you as a teacher and yet also as a student of the Master Guru who is God.” Knowing that we seek discipleship of the highest order, he read from some teachings that he had given through the Ascended Master Teaching Foundation, a subsequent publisher for a previous ordained Messenger Geraldine Innocente in the Bridge to Freedom. Many teachings have been released in the past that few of us have read or assimilated. These particular teachings are designed to increase our understanding so that we can have greater access to the steps that take us up the ladder of the law of Life of Being and give us exactly what is needed in each hour of the climb.

He read from a section entitled “Flames” from the book The Guru and the Chela. The format of the book is the student asking questions of the Master Kuthumi. He said that these are basic teachings that are “essential for us to know fully. For as we move into a mode of heartreach at many levels, thousands of souls will be coming to this fount of wisdom.” The more we understand of the nature of God and bear it to a world so in need of that light, the more we will see the growth of our movement and the expansion heart to heart of our worlds and of the efficacy of that which we continue to manifest through this dispensation. He also spoke of some practical matters of providing portals to the various wisdom teachings through our website which was in itself a divine portal.

Then he encouraged us to strive to commune more directly with those ascended beings and friends of light whom we love, always remembering that it is through our own presence of love, wisdom and power and in the silence of stillness that we hear the voice of conscience, the voice of God within. It is through expanding our own solar conscience that we gain entry to our own higher being. Sometimes we rely too much on the masters in a personal way, so “…at times [they] may step back and be almost invisible unto [us] so that [we] may strive to attain [ourselves]. But [they] are always there behind the scenes watching, waiting…for [us] to perceive with new eyes a new level of cosmic awareness.”

Pointing out that though we may call unto one of them, they are one with the divine conscience and their voice is the voice of the one within us. They are one and the same. Then he sealed us in the radiance of our common bond as brothers and sisters of light. “Your Kuthumi I am, always a friend.”

Following this the Messenger announced that every third Sunday there would be an adult darshan. Before the darshan he will read some more of Kuthumi’s teachings in The Guru and the Chela. This entire early morning service can be accessed on the broadcast/audio link by clicking on previous replay.

A Darshan for the Youth was the Focus of the Sunday Family Service

The invocation of the Messenger given at the beginning of this family service was a special HeartStream and teaching in and of itself. Highlights of the darshan will be posted below the invocation a little later today. Thank you for your patience. The whole Family Service can be heard by clicking on the current replay on the broadcast/audio page.

In the name of the Presence of God I AM THAT I AM of each one, we invoke the entire spirit of the Universal Great White Brotherhood here and wherever heartfriends and servitors of fire are gathered in communion with the ascended host. O Holy Spirit, flow now and suffuse each one with your light, your love, in the perfect balance of all of the seven rays, the five secret rays and the qualities of the Holy Spirit that you bear.

O Great Spirit, overshadow, overshine each one with your radiance and your love. Increase the flow of sacred fire within us that we may be electrodes of light to a world. Through the crystal of our chakras, through the greater crystal of our own higher being, let us refract the light rays from our source in all dimensions and planes of being to all sentient life upon this planet and all systems of worlds.

As focal points for the ascended masters, through conscious cooperation we send our love, wisdom and power and all that we have attained to in our personal journey across the galaxies to all of our brothers and sisters everywhere. And we say, “We love you, we raise you, we seal you in the light of God that always prevails!” In the name of the Father, the Mother and the Holy Spirit, let it be so through our word. Amen.