080325 Discourse on The HC and Eckhart Tolle

The Ascended Masters & Eckhart Tolle

An inspired discourse was given by the messenger David Lewis this morning on the juxtaposition of the core message of the ascended masters through The Hearts Center and the basic concepts being expressed so beautifully by Eckhart Tolle in last night’s worldwide teleseminar with Oprah Winfrey. Tolle spoke of presence, of the I AM and of many other of the inner mysteries taught by the ascended masters to move mankind into higher consciousness. “Tolle’s teaching is important because most of mankind have lost the connection between their soul and Source” and have instead “taken on the ego as the core of their identity” which is clouding over their Real Self.

This reconnection of our soul with Source, of the oneness of all life, is essential if we are to move into the higher vibrations of Aquarius. Many among mankind are feeling “an uneasiness within the soul” providing the impetus for change, for the current shift in consciousness, in diet, in health, in understanding of life itself.

Now Is the Time to Let Go and Let God Live Within Us

The teachings of Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet in Climb the Highest Mountain on the nature of the lesser self and the Greater Self are now being brought to greater numbers of people by Eckhart Tolle because now is the time to “shed these coats of skins of the lesser self and evolve into the solar beings who we have always been.” Now is the time for us to move into higher consciousness and into an awareness such that our Higher Self can communicate with the ascended masters where they live, past the physicality of the third dimensional plane where we live.

The Violet Laser Light

An essential component of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters brought forth to mankind by Saint Germain is the Violet Transmuting Flame, and now in its higher frequency as the Violet Laser Light. This light helps individuals transmute “some of these old patterns that keep the mental mind going and keep us acting from that point of reference. If we cleanse, transmute these ancient patterns then it is easier to remain in presence.” The violet light is “an accelerant” that helps us “to accelerate and remain at higher consciousness always.”

David concluded today’s discourse saying, “We need to get more people quickened, awakened, which will aid this process of the solar evolution of the earth to become freedom’s star—a beautiful planet with pure air, pure water, pure land—to bring about a culture of joy, beauty and grace.”

Click here to access this entire discourse and to participate in this morning’s prayer and rosary service.