080223 Portia Alchemical Elixirs #4
The Universe is a Grand Experiment within the Laboratory of God’s Consciousness
This morning beloved Portia tells us that within the laboratory of God’s consciousness the ascended masters one with God “continually perform sacred alchemical experiments whereby the universe is expanded, the consciousness of sons and daughters of God is raised and mankind may enter into a greater understanding of the law of love.” Through “the elixir of love of [our] own heart raised to God” and our voice raised in violet laser light prayers, mantras and songs, we also may enter into these “alchemical works.” Our daily and monthly vigils create substations of the spirit and a network of light that empower souls to rise in higher consciousness and “have available through their Higher Self delivered to their outer mind, the teaching, the contact and the way out of their human dilemma into the divine experience of oneness with God.”
One of these great experiments of the spirit is about to take place in the delivering of the “divine teaching” of Eckhart Tolle with Oprah Winfrey to hundreds of thousands of souls. Portia urges “all of [us] to take part both through [our] prayers and visualizations and [our] active participation.” The masters will “utilize every lightbearer who will participate in this drama to bring the connectivity with God-consciousness into their homes and communities and nations.”
These sacred events and divine experiments in the plans of the ascended masters are for the bringing in the age of Aquarius into physical manifestation upon earth, “whereby every man, woman and child may know God within, have an understanding of cosmic law and move forward in the evolutionary plan of the earth itself….” A great key in this plan is that which Saint Germain spoke of yesterday, “to fully bring about radical forgiveness at all levels of [our] own being and unto those who have wronged [us] and to whom [we] have wronged.”
Click here to listen to the replay of Saint Germain’s comments yesterday and Portia’s message this morning. You will also be able to participate in the morning prayer and rosary services.